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Jonah's Pov

The Invitation Tour is over..for now at least. The boys and I have very little time until we must get back to our schedule. I noticed Jack was doing a little bit better, although I needed him to be fully happy again. Being the helpful person I was, I wanted to get Charlotte and Jack to meet at the same place they first met. Who knows..maybe Charlotte will come with us for the Europe Tour, if this all goes according to plan of course.

Jack and I flew on the same plane to Pennsylvania, as the rest of the guys flew to New York. Once we got off the plane, we went to see Jack's family and discuss what my plan was. I have already given Charlotte a call, so I'll be meeting up with her soon. I told Jack that Charlotte and I would hang out, and then once we go to get coffee, I'll leave the store so he could take my place.


Everything was set so far. I was now on my way to the mall to meet Charlotte and her new sister, after I hung out with Jack's family for a bit. Once I got there, I only had to wait a few minutes until I saw Charlotte's lovely smile. I ran up to her and gave the biggest hug I could give.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaimed.

"I missed you too!" Charlotte replied with the same excitement as I have.

I noticed a little girl quietly waiting as Charlotte and I gave our greetings. I bent down to her height, held out my hand, and kindly introduced myself, as any person would with someone.

Carmen, the name of the girl next to Charlotte, wrapped her arms around my neck for a hug. I picked her up, seeing the huge grin on Charlotte's face since Carmen and I were getting along.

The three of us went to a couple stores, finding some new clothes for Carmen and a few other things that were necessary to buy. At one point we found these huge animal masks that made Carmen laugh until she was on the ground.

The last part of my plan was now coming close. I unlocked my phone quickly and texted Jack to be ready. The second I put my phone in my pocket, we arrived at Starbucks. Charlotte, Carmen, and I all bought a treat for ourselves and sat down at a table near the back. I picked up my phone once again to see that Jack was in the store next to the Starbucks. Continuing to text Jack, I glanced at Carmen every few minutes to see her and Charlotte play with a new toy I bought her.

When the time came, I stood up and said the words, "I'm gonna head out".

Jack's Pov

I waited nervously outside of Starbucks. My mind was spinning in circles as I thought of how I would see Charlotte's beautiful face again. Suddenly, I see Jonah walk out of the store. He punches my shoulder in a playful way, and continued walking to where the exit of the mall was.

I slowly walked into the store, instantly seeing the girl of my dreams. Locking eyes with one another, she just stared. Her lips whispered my name, which made my heart jump even more. I walked over to the table she was at, as she stood up herself to give me the best hug I will ever receive.

We were hugging for at least 3 minutes, yet we never wanted to let go. I quietly whispered "I'm sorry." into Charlotte's ear. She gazed into my eyes, and then let her lips touch mine. It was the kiss that I've been waiting for since we first met.

"I love you." We both said at the same time, letting out a chuckle after.

We finally let go of each other and sat down at the table where Charlotte's new sister, Carmen, was looking at me with a confused face.

"Carmen" Charlotte started to say in a calm voice, "This is someone whom I love very deeply. He is- my boyfriend."

To hear those words come from Charlotte's mouth made me grow the biggest grin on my face. Carmen smiled at me, putting her hand put to shake mine. "Brother in-law?" She questions us.

We both laugh as I shake her hand. "You're a smart kid." I reply.


For the rest of the day, Charlotte and I talked for hours and hours about everything that went on while we were.. distanced. Carmen would occasionally give me hugs as random times, which made me even happier. I stayed over for dinner that Charlotte's mom prepared for us aswell, and then was asked to stay the night..I said yes, of course.

As of right now, Charlotte and I were laying in her bed silently. It wasn't awkward at all. Her presense spoke to me just as words do. I did, however, decide to say something to break the silence. "Would you like to come to Europe with the guys and me?" I ask Charlotte.

I turn to see her face in shock..a good shock. I let her think about it for a few minutes, until she finally responded, "As much as I want to travel to Europe, I think I want to stay home for now. I want to watch Carmen grow older and possibly find a good job that is right for me."

I nodded my head to her decision and then gazed into her eyes. She gazed back, and then moved her lips closer to mine, connecting them once again. At first it was a slow kiss, but then it got heated. At this point we were making out. I never wanted it to end, yet it only went on until we both ran out of breath.

I let my forehead fall to touch Charlotte's forehead. I closed my eyes, about to fall asleep. The last words I heard before drifting off made me grow a little smirk. "I love you Jack".

(A/N - good news and bad news. Bad news first..this story is coming to an end. I'm pretty sure the next update will be my last, so thank you to everyone who has read this far! Good news is that I will be writing another story soon..and I need your help with choosing a boy to write about..so please take a few seconds and decide if I should write about Jonah or Daniel next. That's it for now..stay tuned for the last chapter coming soon! <3) *sorry for any incorrect spelling*

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