pt. 2 Kiba × Assassin!Male!Reader

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2244 words.

A/N: Reader is refered to as "Takahashi Akira." Reason being, they used an Alias while within the leaf.


"Fucking wonderful."

"Yes, yes! It took long enough."

"You should have just gone and killed the bastard yourself."

"Pfft, it's too late."

Kiba blinked and scowled. He hated everytime he walked through the village and heard the constant, ignorant rantings of those around him. As he made his way to Yakiniku Q to have lunch with his team and the others, he sighed. This was probably the third time he'd been out in a few months now. He felt poorly often, but with the support of his friends, he knew he could get better. So as much as going out pained him, he knew it was best.

As he entered the building, his name being called unanimously caught his attention quickly and he made his way to sit down. He gave a large smile and sat amongst his friends, trying to enjoy the time he was spending. With Lee and Naruto chatting away, Kiba could simply lose himself in their idiotic conversation, trying to forget the night from months ago.

He swore, he'd randomly gain the same feelings from that night. It was those moments that reset progress. After all, reliving the sensations and want then pain was a constant tug into the past.

"Heard he was killed?"


Kiba blinked and focused on the conversation being discussed in front of him.

"Yeah! Shame after they found out he was being honest about that human trafficking thing."

"Lee! Shut up! Can't you read the atmosphere!?" Ino barked and slammed her fist on the table.

It was then Kiba noticed almost everyone was staring at him now. He felt awfully cold, though he tried to play it off by simply continuing to eat. Though in all honesty, he didn't feel like eating at all anymore.

"Haaah!? No way. It's a great story! Oh! Kiba, weren't you involved?"


"Yeah, yeah! Kiba, you held the evil bastard, didn't you?" Choji muttered through a mouthful of food.

"He wasn't evil-- Yeah, I did..." Kiba replied after a sigh, his mood for being there immediately dropping. So much for forgetting the guy, right?

"Guys, shut up!" Sakura growled out and glared at the two, though they both seemed so engrossed in the conversation, her words danced in to one ear and out through the other.

"So, if anyone knew if he died, Kiba would be it first! I don't believe it."

"Just ask!"

"So, Kiba! Did he die!?"

"Hai! Some say it was from natural causes, others say he was murdered--"

"Lee!" Tenten growled and hit him herself. "Shut up, you idiot!"

Kiba's brows knitted together and he stared at the two in front of him. Did ____ die? Of course not. Not that he was aware of at least. He couldn't die. He was skilled, wasn't he?

But then again... he was prone to not fighting back. He didn't seem to do much without guidance. He didn't eat sometimes. He didn't get proper sleep whenever alone. Hell, he hardly knew how to use any tools. He was a clueless, clumsy, puppy with no will to defend himself. What if he did die? If he starved? How painful that must've been. If he just died from dehydration? Someone could've helped him; they probably wouldn't. What if he was murdered? Thrown down into the molten rock below? Beaten to death? Stabbed?
What if the guards did it?

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