Zeke Smith was never one to follow into his father's footsteps, knowing what had happened to him.

But his grandfather placed all the guilt onto the boy's shoulders, knowing it was too much for him to handle.

Ever since the incident 9 years ago, Zeke had always held a constant fear of loss, but the boy would never admit it, even to himself.

He never had much friends, most of them abandoning him as the school days went by, as Zeke remained homeschooled and trapped in a world of his own.

His grandfather's cattle ranch was his only 'escape' from his so called reality, but even then, it wasn't much of a getaway.

He spent the days assassinating cattle he had 'bonded' with, basically his only friends.


Zeke's eyes were firmly focused on the gun, loaded with bullets and placed between a sheep's eyes.

The sheep was gentle and curious, clearly unfathomed by his new coming fate.

But he just couldn't shoot, he couldn't kill the sheep.

He felt the jerk of the gun, and a familiar hand ripping the weapon out of the boy's hand, shooting the sheep straight down.

Zeke refused to turn his head to meet the frustrating gaze of his grandfather, who had enough of the boy's antics.

"You need to start taking more responsibility around here. When your father was your age, he-"

"I'm not my dad, okay?"

Zeke kept a straight face, lessoning his chance of being a 'big baby' in front of the 'cool' teenagers and breaking down.

He had enough of that blubbering behind closed doors, and a pillow.

"Zeke, there are two places you can be in this world, you can be out here with the rest of us, or you can be in there. The only difference is that you don't know that you have the gun between your eyes until someone makes that choice for you."

Zeke sighed, fighting back tears, another word he wasn't aloud to repeat flooded his thoughts.

Author's note:
Hello people. I'm really sorry that this chapter is a little short, but I will be posting the following chapter sometime today too.

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