Chapter 14

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Kellin's POV:
If it's one thing I hate about Mondays, it's everything.

I don't want to go back to school, I don't want to interact with all the people there. I don't want to sit in boring classes and work my ass off to get a good degree now as I only have a bit over a month before I graduate. And most of all, I don't want to act as if Vic is just another teacher in the hall to me.

I wish we could act like all the other couples here at school, the students who are dating and can go around holding hands and cutely kissing each other from time to time as much as they like.

Of course I know I won't have this with Vic here at school. And I shouldn't complain so much about it, considering that after all there is just like I said, only a bit over a month left before I graduate from high school and we won't be having this trouble anymore.

But it's Monday, and I am grumpy. I still have the date Vic took me on this Friday stuck in my mind, smiling as soon as I think back to it and wanting him to take me out on yet another date, instead of taking me to school.

This morning, I can tell Vic's frustration has been growing with me. He's been sighing a lot and having to compose himself as I have been extremely whining, not letting more than ten minutes pass before I whine about not wanting to go.

"I still don't want to go," I mutter as I put my seat belt on and Vic starts the car up.

"I know you don't want to go darling, and trust me I'm not that excited about going either. I would also much rather stay at home with you all day but you know that is not an option."

"I know.. It just sucks seeing you at school all the time, like in the corridor and all and never being able to kiss you or something, when that's all I really want to do."

"I feel you babe, it's the same for me. I want to walk up to you and kiss you as well, but you know what the consequences would be and we can't have that happening. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it's just over a month left until you're graduating."

"Yeah.. are you gonna miss me when I graduate? Like will work be more boring to go to when I'm not there as well?" I ask, shamelessly asking for an ego boost from my boyfriend.

"Like you even have to ask me about that, of course it will. It won't be as fun to go when I know you won't be there all day with me, even if we can't spend that much time together. But I figure at least at first when you've just graduated, you'll be home a lot so therefore I'll be knowing every day that you're going to be waiting for me at home."

I smile at this, the fact that Vic can be so positive about it. And also because I realize that he is right and that will in fact be how it's most likely going to look after I have graduated. I don't think I will know exactly what to do as soon as I have, so I will probably need some free time at home before I figure that out.

"Can I come to your office at lunch today?" I ask, breaking the silence in the car once again that had come to.

"I think so, what time are you having your lunch?" Vic asks me back, not taking his eyes off the road for even a moment. He's really cute when he's driving. Or actually, when he's just focusing on anything.

"Twelve to one thirty, so it's a really long lunch today. And I'm going to miss you during it." Vic doesn't reply instantly and looks deep in thought so I figure he's going through his schedule in his head before he nods in response.

"Yeah, I think I'm free that whole time as well. I mean, the class after lunch is Spanish that we have together right?"

"Yup," I respond, popping the p at the end of the word.

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