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Her mother was fierce.
Her father a fiery soul.
Her brother a sneak.
And her sister a glow.

She was born to chaos,
all sweet and warm.
She grew up with her sister
away from the storm.

She was loved like a daughter
by everyone who met her.
Hair made of starlight
and a smile that was better.

And then she was changed,
the kindness beaten out,
face a mark of pain
as she learned to live without.

It only got worse.
She was dragged through hell.
But she came out on the other side
and people suddenly fell.

You see,
She was not created of glass.
She was not created by stone.
She was created of clay,
something not easily attuned.

Glass would have shattered.
Stone would have cracked.
Steel would have bent.
And wax would have snapped.

Clay is necessary
when power is involved.
You cannot shatter power
when the earth threatens to fall.

So, she was sculpted a flower.
And sculpted again and again.
Wondering why this wasn't working,
they looked within.

And when their hands split the clay apart,
they saw the issue.
The middle of her soul was golden.
She would have to be made anew.

So her golden heart was replaced
With one of black and forest green
to create a more radiant thing
One born to be queen.

Copyright © 2016 Ashley Dell

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means – by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission of the author.

Some characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

All Rights Reserved. 

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