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In honor of the new season coming out tomorrow, here's a pic of the pure boy from s 3!

In honor of the new season coming out tomorrow, here's a pic of the pure boy from s 3!

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Y/n's POV

I take Izuku back to my house. My mom is at work so it's just the two of us.

"Is it nice being back here?" Izuku asks as I unlock my front door.

"Oh hell yea, I love it"

I hear Izuku laugh a little as we both step into my house.

"Wait here I'll go get it," I tell him while running off to my room.

I get to my desk and grab the flimsy notebook. I walk back to the living room where I had left Izuku. He looks over at me.

I wave the journal at him in my right hand and he begins to smile. We both take a seat on my living room couch and I hand him the journal.

"Wow!! I remember this so well!" He says with an even bigger smile now.

"Hehe so many memories," I say as I lean against his shoulder to also look at the journal.

"Oh my gosh our list of goals! And and...the picture I drew of you!"

I laugh with him.

"Your doodles all in (f/c) ink," he points out while dragging his finger along the designs, "do you still draw?"

"Of course I do, it's what relaxes me."

"You gotta show me some of your drawings then," he smiles, "have your artistic skills sky rocketed?"

"Aha trust me you don't wanna see them," I laugh.

"I'll make you show me them....if it's not now, then sometime."

"Try me," I say in a joking manner.

Izuku gives me a funny smile and switches his gaze back to the journal.
He flips through a few more of the pages reading the writing.

"Wow we really did it..." he says while closing the old notebook.

"I know, look at us," I say in return.

I watch him feel the material on the front of the journal with his fingers. I then realize my head is resting on his shoulder and I quickly sit up. Izuku turns and looks at me a bit startled also.
I straighten out my top and fix my attention back to him again.

"So you never really got to finish what you were telling me back when you were with recovery girl...about your quirk?"

Izuku's eyes widen.

Did I make him uncomfortable? That doesn't seem like a weird question...does it?

" you see...I can't exactly tell you..." he says scratching the back of his head.

I raise an eyebrow, "how come?"

"It's just...I-it's just private that's all," he says trying to sound as nice as possible about it.

I pause, "I understand... well you don't have to tell me it's ok."

"Th-thanks y/n"

I shrug and try to shake away the awkwardness.
"So anyway, i take you and bakugou still haven't been on good terms?" I change the subject.

"U-uh's still complicated between us."

"I don't know what his deal is," I say shaking my head in frustration.

"Has he said anything to you yet?" he asks me.

"Nope, he's only looked at me once and it made me uncomfortable."

"I heard his mom was really worried about you."

"Mitsuki? Man I missed her a lot too, Inko and Mitsuki were basically my second parents. She was always so nice to me."

I see Izuku fumble with his hands in his lap. I stare at him do so in silence.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask curiously.

Izuku's eyes widen at me agin and I giggle.

I love how flustered he easily gets...

"N-nothing..." he responds seeming embarrassed.

"What? You can tell me?" I say nudging him.

He pauses, " much I missed you"

I for sure thought my heart stopped right when he said that. His cheeks turn pink and mine start to heat up.

"Aw...I missed you a lot too," I say trying to stay nonchalant.

Izuku's face relaxes when I say that.
The mood is then ruined when his phone suddenly goes off.

"Shoot hold on," he says.

I look over at him scramble to get it out of his pocket and check the screen. His eyes widen and he quickly puts it back into his pocket without answering then stands up. I watch him while still sitting on the couch.

"Ah I'm sorry y/n I gotta go..." he says staring down at me.

"Whaaat where?"

"'s important and urgent," he says fumbling with his hands again

"Hm ok...well see you then?"

"I'm really sorry I have to go... but I'll see you tomorrow!!"
He says running out of my front door.

I continue sitting on the couch feeling a lot more lonelier all of a sudden. My eyebrows furrow as I think to myself.

I wonder who texted him? Why was it so urgent? Was someone hurt? He would've told me though...

Izuku's POV

I feel really bad for leaving y/n alone like that so suddenly, but All Might texted me and told me I needed to see him immediately. I'll apologize again tomorrow.

( 883 words )

Author's note:
Thank you so much for reading!!

Omg season 3 comes out TMRW ByE ❤️

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