the bird mask

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Y/n's POV

My meeting with my internship agency went well. I have a feeling my interview went as best as it could and now I just wait for a response from them keeping my fingers crossed.

Her agency is right in the middle of the city so it took a lot of maneuvering around to find it with all the similar buildings. I stand at the J-Rail station waiting for the next train to arrive. What I couldn't get out of my head was what some of the workers in the agency were talking about before I came in and they stopped...

["There's been some suspicion with this villain I've never heard of."

"Well if you've never heard of him he must not be that relevant, there's other cases we need to focus on right now. What's this guys name anyways?"

"Overhaul is what I've heard, I don't know his actual name if he even has one. But I feel like there's something big about to... oh hello! You must be y/n."]

I look down at my phone and search up Overhaul on the internet. There were barely any photos of him. The guy in the agency was right, there isn't much about him to find on the internet of his background. His appearance seemed familiar which was shocking to me, but I couldn't remember from where. His name is Chisaki but apparently his quirk name is overhaul, according to one article I found. It had to do with ties to a missing little girl and he was the leading suspect.
The train arrives and it looks packed since it's rush hour with everyone heading home from work. I step on the train and try to stay in my personal bubble as people crowd around me.

I love going into the city and all but this was what I hated the most, crowded trains. I stare down at my phone reading more about Chisaki when I look up and meet eyes with the guy standing across from me. My heart beats faster when I recognize the yellow color in his eyes from the photos I just looked at. It couldn't be him... Here? Why? Out of all places and times?

He doesn't wear his beak mask, instead it's just a black face mask that covers his nose and mouth. I quickly try to look away without making it obvious that I figured out who he is. It didn't look like anyone else around us seemed to notice which concerned me. I could feel his sharp gaze not leaving me, making me shift in place. I decide to move to a different train cart so I start to squeeze myself through the crowded space.

"Sorry excuse me—,"

The next thing I know I feel a tight grasp on my wrist. I turn my head to see him staring at me again while holding onto me not letting me escape. I gasp quietly by how tight he was holding onto my wrist. He then pulls me up to him so I'm near his chest and his mouth near my ear.

"I've been looking for you," he whispers.

His words send a chill down my spine. Of course the one time I go into the city alone, I run into one of the most dangerous villains. I try to shake my hand out of his grip but he just tightens it.

"I wouldn't try to do that if I were you."

"What do you want from me?" I hiss causing a few people around us to give us glances.

Chisaki waits until they mind their business again when he reaches into his blazer pocket to pull out a bullet with a needle on it. My eyes widen.

"You see this? Just one hit with this and your quirk will be gone in an instant."

My body tenses up as I stare at the small amount of liquid in the bullet that could ruin me forever in one second.

"However, I don't want you to lose your quirk," he continues.

"How do you know who I am?" I ask keeping my voice low.

The train arrives at its next stop and people start to file out causing him not to answer my question. He takes my wrist and so I have no choice but to follow behind him. We're three stops before I was supposed to get off for my house making me nervous about my unfamiliar surroundings. People give us stares as they see him drag me behind him. I try to hide my face in attempt to not be noticed. Once we're out of the underground station, he takes me down this dark alleyway and I immediately think this is the end of me. We eventually get to his hidden underground headquarters and the guards all looked like they were in a bird cult of some sort.

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