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Your POV

I slowly open my eyes and squint from the ceiling light above me. I gasp and sit up making my head pound and feel a sharp sting in the inside of my elbow. I look down to see a bruised mark from what looks like a needle used to inject in me. I find myself on a full size bed in a fully furnished room. It looked like any normal bedroom, just without any windows and natural light. I tuck my hair behind my ear and pat down my pockets and feel my phone on the inside of my school jacket. I fumble to take it out and check my screen to see my notifications filled with missed calls and texts. I hadn't checked my phone since after my interview yesterday. I try to call Izuku but I have zero reception.

"Damnit!" I shout trying to reach him over and over again but it was no use.

I put my phone back in my pocket and step off the bed to search the room. There's an exit in which I try to open but it's locked from the outside. I wriggle the handle up and down and sure enough it won't open. I hear a beep and I move my head in the direction of the sound to see a camera in the corner of the ceiling with a red light above it, flashing. I furrow my eyebrows at it while seeing the lens adjust.

"I'm being watched."

I raise my hand up and focus on the lens. My hand begins to shake and my thoughts narrow down, eventually making the glass on the lens shatter. I jump back as the glass falls to the floor scattering everywhere. I look back up at the camera and see the red light turned off and the lens stop moving.

Chisaki's POV

The last thing I see is y/n stare into the camera with her hand up towards it and the screen go static. Chrono frantically types on the keyboard to try and fix it.

"Sir I think she broke the camera, I can't seem to get it back on."

I hum to myself, still staring at the empty screen.
"Her quirk really is something..."

Chrono looks up at me, "huh?"

"I was just thinking out loud," I say heading out of the security room and towards the bedroom.

Y/n's POV

A few minutes after breaking the camera I hear the lock on the door click. I quickly grab the largest shard of glass I could find from the ground and hold it in front of me. Chisaki comes in the room, this time with his beak mask. He puts his hands in his pockets while coming towards me making me back away. He scans the ground and sighs.

"Look what you did, you made such a mess."

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"Have you ever heard about me?" he doesn't answer my question.

I look around everywhere besides into his eyes, "...maybe a little."

"What have you heard?"

I think whether or not I should tell him what I've read about him in the news or bring up the little girl I saw earlier. Maybe she was just his child. But he seems way too young to even have one. He only looked a few years older than me.

"That you go by Overhaul," I end up saying.

He doesn't say anything and continues to stare at me making me more uncomfortable by the second. He then kicks a few pieces of glass in my direction causing me to move out of the way. I tighten my grip around the shard in my hand, feeling it start to cut through the first layer of my skin.

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