the start of finals

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Y/n's POV

It's finals week aka dead week. Our first final is today which is for math and I've never been more nervous. I walk into class and take out my headphones to hear the classroom filled with chatter as everyone struggles to cram any last minute information in.

"Y/N!" Kaminari shouts in my ear making me jump.

"Please! It's too early for that," I sigh, "what is it?"

"How do you take the derivative of a log????"

My mind blanks as I look into his desperate eyes for an answer. I open my mouth about to say something when I actually forgot myself.

"Hold on, MOMO!"

Yaoyorozu turns her head towards us and walks over as I signal her to.

"How do you take the derivative of a log?" I ask as Kaminari nods his head furiously.

"Well log will become an inverse function which would just be 1 over the natural log, ln. So it'd be 1/ln(x) or of whatever log function you're deriving."

We both stare at her with no response. Kaminari then throws his hands in the air, "well I'm screwed."

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Izuku smiling.

"Hey! You ready?" I ask turning my body to him.

"I think so, I studied a lot so it better pay off."

"Me too, can we get food after we finish?"

"Yes! Let's get soba."

I nod my head and look around and see Kirishima and Bakugou studying together in the back. I smile and we walk over towards them.

"No! What're you doing????" Bakugou shouts watching Kirishima scribble a math problem on his notebook paper.

"You said find the equation of the growth rate and take the derivative did you not??"

"That's not the growth rate equation STUPID!"

"Then what is it?"

"I just told you! I—," Bakugou cuts himself off as he just walks away from the situation.

Kaminari sighs, "I didn't even know growth and percentage rates would be on this final."

"Well it is cumulative so," I say leaning on the desk.

"Kirishima it's initial value(A) times e to the power of rate times time," Izuku says while writing out the formula on his notebook paper.

"You're so smart!!" he cries out.

The bell rings and we all groan.

"Let's give it our best," I tell the two boys.

They nod and we give rounds of fist bumps before walking back to our seats. I sit down and stretch my hands out in front of me. As I sit in my seat in silence I feel a sharp glare come my way. I quickly turn my head towards the classroom window to see a shadow pass by, too fast for me to see what it was. I bite the inside of my cheek when I jump in my seat as someone taps my shoulder.

"Woah scared much for the final?" Todoroki jokes as I turn to look at him.

I place my hand over my heart feeling it race, "ha ha funny, no but I thought I felt someone staring at me..."

He raises an eyebrow, "oh?"

"I swear I saw someone at the window walk away and and and I could feel this tension..."

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