
94 2 0

19 ABY

Yavin 4

Jedi Praxeum

Thirteen-year-old Sara could sense Ben's frustration, after another full day of training he didn't seem to be improving on his concentration. They had been training on lifting rocks for the past fortnight but Ben's rocks tended to explode after he lifted them — something that angered Ben, made Master Skywalker worry even more about his nephew and also hurt many students who weren't quick or able enough to cast a protective shield around themselves.

"We'll end our training here today." said a frustrated Luke. "Sara, take the students who aren't hurt to the lake to relax. I'll look after those who need stitching."

The students followed Sara, but Ben tried to stay behind. She noticed and went back to get him.

"I want to help. It's my fault they are hurt, again." he said to her, regretfully.

"They don't want your help, Ben." she held his hand. "They're angry at you right now. Let's go to the lake."

Ben sighed and walked hand-in-hand with Sara to the lake, where the others had already undressed to their undergarments and were having fun in the water.

They sat on the grass, away from the others, and Sara took his hand again.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked.

"No. I just wish I weren't broken."

"You're not broken, Ben. I've told you already..."

"I know." he roughly interrupted. "It's all part of me, I was born with this conflict and I must learn how to administer it."

"Yes. One day you will..."

"It'd better be soon. I don't know much longer I'll be able to keep holding on." he whispered, sounding troubled. "And I'm afraid."

"Is there anything you haven't told me?"

"There's a voice... a man's voice. It tells me that I'm all he needs for his plans to restore the order in the Galaxy."

Sara became worried.

"You can't trust such voice, Ben... it's dangerous."

"I know. But it makes me feel special. Not like a lost case or a failure. 'Cause that's all I feel here, during the training: a failure."

She touched his face and looked into his dark eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with you, and you're definitely not a failure." she got closer to him and touched their lips together, in a light, innocent kiss.

"Sara," he whispered when the kiss ended and they opened their eyes.

"I like you, Ben." she whispered, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I like you too." he said with a smile, feeling that, at least for a moment, the day had just got brighter.


Later that same day

Dinner was almost at an end when they heard a ship landing near the Temple. And by the look on Master Skywalker's face, he hadn't been expecting anyone. He got up from the head of the long table where they all had their meals together and walked outside. Not one of the fifteen students got up or said a word; since they had got there in the Temple they had had visits from their families, but never unscheduled.

Hope (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now