A Conversation

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Notes 1: here begins The Force Awakens, so from now on I'll be following the movies, and changing things as I see fit to make this story flows like I want it to. Anything you recognize is not mine. Thank you for your comprehension.


34 ABY


The Resistance Base

Once again Poe Dameron caught himself calling her, he didn't exactly understand why he was passing on information unrelated to medical aid to someone who worked in their medical bay, but there he was. It felt wrong, odd, like he shouldn't be doing that — but still he hid in his private quarters to call her. He told himself that it wasn't like he was sending classified information to the First Order. However, he still didn't understand why he called her. Well, she asked me to keep her updated on her first day with the Resistance. She had asked and he had delivered once and nearly daily ever since. It had become an automatic thing. He sat on his bed with his communication pad in hands and punched in the code to call her.

"Hello", he heard her lightly accented voice.

"Hey, I've got updates. We know someone who has a piece of the map: Lor San Tekka. He's a member of the Church of the Force and lives in a spiritual village on Jakku. I'll be flying there to meet him in a few minutes."

"Good. Thanks for letting me know."

And she hung up.

It was always that awkward: he gave her information, she said 'good' and 'thanks' and that was it.

He shook his head as if trying to get rid of a fly in his ears, he always felt weird after talking to her. He resumed his preparations to go meet Tekka.


Sara, 28, was finishing her duties in the Resistance infirmary, but her mind was on Jakku, in the piece of the map that Poe said Tekka had. The First Order probably knows about it too; so Ben knows about it, he'll certainly be there. She closed the door of the medical bay and walked towards her private quarters, still thinking about him. In the four years since she had last seen Ben, there wasn't a day where she didn't think of him. She had a living, walking reminder of him by her side after all – their daughter was Ben's female version, only with blue eyes and curly hair.

Sara walked by the control room, always careful to avoid being seen by General Organa; she didn't know how Leia would receive her or the news of having a granddaughter; also, she feared that her mother-in-law blamed her somehow for all that had happened at Luke's Temple. Sara was about to turn right and head to her rooms when she heard:

"Tekka was killed, and the spiritual village destroyed by stormtroopers and the Knights of Ren." said Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix.

"And Poe sent us a message: he placed the information about the map into his BB unit and gave himself over to the Knights to give the droid time to escape." said Commander Joph Seastriker.

"It's confirmed." said another man. "Poe has been captured and taken aboard the Finalizer."

"I am afraid he won't be able to get away this time." murmured Connix.

"He always finds a way." said Admiral Ackbar.

"Let's hope so." said Leia.

Sara resumed walking to her private quarters, feeling sorry for Poe, he was a nice man. And Tekka and the villagers... Ben had killed them all. She tried to not think about it, focusing on her daughter who she had yet to feed and bath.

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