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Sara woke up on a strange bed in a strange bedroom. She stretched and slowly recognized the scent coming off of the sheets and pillow: that was Ben's bed and room. She sat up. The room was dimly lit, making it look more comfortable than it actually was, the bed was in the middle of the space, a door to the left of the bed and a windowless wall to the right. Two bedside tables, one on each side of the bed. It looked spacious but plain, like any other room in a spaceship, so the comforting lighting helped. She looked at Ben, who was sitting on a chair by the bed analyzing the hilt of her lightsaber.

"So do you have the habit of taking female prisoners into you bed?" she tried to conceal the jealousy from her voice, unsuccessfully.

He smiled and looked up at her. "No. You're the first." he put her lightsaber onto the bedside table, beside his own.

They stared at each other in awkward silence, Sara sitting on his bed, and he on a chair, leaning forward, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together.

"How..." he tried to start a conversation. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright. Life went on as usual after you left. I was still working at the Castle until two months ago, when I decided to join the Resistance."

"Why did you join it?" he sounded curious.

"For reasons that I don't want to share with you right now."

Then silence, again.

His eyes fell on the engagement ring still on her finger.

"Why do you still wear it?" he asked, pointing at it.

Sara took that hard.

"Shouldn't I? Or is that your subtle way of asking for a divorce?"

"No! Of course not." he unclasped his hands and raised both of them in a brief sign of surrender. "But I was... I abandoned you. I made you suffer — more than once. I thought you'd hate me by now." he ran one hand through his hair, a sign of nervousness. "It really surprised me when you offered your help."

"If you want out of the First Order, we'll find a way, together; I'll help you get away from Snoke. But I have conditions."

"What conditions?"

"You'll be honest with me."

"I've never lied to you." he furrowed his brows.

"But you hid things, Ben. So if you want me to help you – and maybe give us a chance – you'll have to tell me everything."

"Ok. Agreed. But I want the same from you. You'll tell me why you joined the Resistance."

And right then Sara's words had turned against her.

"Fine." she agreed, uncertain of how to tell him about Hope. "My first question, and I want an honest answer: did you consider killing Han? For real?"

"I didn't want to do it! But until I saw you there, I thought that was my only option. I would have regretted doing that forever. But Snoke would have kill me if I'd refused..."

"Snoke is testing you. He sees your conflict and he doesn't like it."

"Exactly. He thought that killing my father would make me fall into the Dark Side for good."

"He doesn't understand shit about dark side or light side. Or about you. You were born with both, they are natural parts of you – the Light will never leave you. The darker you try to be, the stronger that Light will become, to balance your inner essence. And you'll only feel more out of control." she scooted to the edge of the bed, until she was right in front of him, and held his hand. "I've always told you: we all have both light and darkness inside of us, our choices and actions are what make us who we are. Even your grandfather had some light in him at the end."

Hope (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now