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30 ABY

8 p.m.

Sara, 24, had woken up to an empty house, had breakfast by herself, tended her garden, had lunch, trained and meditated during the afternoon – her usual routine. She no longer worked all afternoons in the Castle, only nights; if she was needed during the day, Maz called her, otherwise she had mornings and afternoons for herself.

It was a beautiful night; the moon was full, shinning bright in the dark blue sky, and the owls were hooting on the trees. Sara was walking downhill towards the Castle, admiring that beautiful night, her thoughts on one man, as usual; she couldn't avoid it, everything in Takodana reminded her of her husband. Husband. she thought, looking at the red-stone ring that still adorned her finger. She hadn't had the courage to take it off. It also helped keep her from receiving unwanted attention (most days, anyway).

She reached the parking lot of the Castle, recognizing many of the ships parked there. When, suddenly, a strong wind hit her from behind – the air displacement that happened whenever a big ship landed. Once the wind subsided, she turned around to see who was arriving, and her heart skipped a beat: it was an Upisilon-class shuttle.

"No." she whispered. Please don't let it be him. she heard the sound of the engines being turned off. Maybe it's not him. His is not the only Upisilon in the Galaxy.

The door of the shuttle opened and all of her hopes were crushed.

"Hello, beautiful." greeted Jon – the Knight who always flirted with her. "What an honor to have you come to the parking lot to receive us."

"I was just walking to the Castle, Jon."

"Hey, still wearing that ring?" he continued. "When will you leave your husband and elope with me?"

"Stop it." she said, smiling; she new it was all in good fun, Jon had always respected her.

Sara didn't look at the other Knights, afraid to see Ben there; she turned around and kept walking to the Castle, Jon and the others right behind her. She couldn't avoid trying to sense Ben's presence though. She was relieved and disappointed when she couldn't feel him.

She guided the Knights into the Castle and to their usual tables, then she went to the counter to get their orders. She walked back towards them.

"Here you are, guys." she put all the glasses and snacks on the tables. "One Knight short today?" she couldn't help asking.

"What?" Jon asked, confused. He looked around the table and chuckled. "Commander Kylo had a lover on this planet till three years ago. He used to go straight to her house as soon as we arrived. He took the Silencer before we landed and went looking for her."

It took Sara a while to realize he was talking about her and not another woman.

"So he did come with you?" she needed the confirmation.

"Of course. And he'll probably return to the ship only tomorrow. As he used to." Jon began eating and Sara returned to the counter, where Maz asked her: "He here?"

"Jon says he is but, I don't see or feel him nearby."

"If he landed but isn't here, you know where he is."

Sara just nodded, filling up more glasses with Gardulla, her back turned to the other female.

"Will you go to him?" asked Maz, worried.

"I don't know what to do, Maz. I've never expected him to come back."

"Do you want to see him?"

Hope (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now