Red Room White Planet

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The day after their arrival in the Supremacy, Ben walked into their room soon after lunch and stopped by the closed door, looking gravely at Sara, who was on the bed reading a book.

"This is it." he said. "Snoke wants to see you in person. Now."

Sara didn't say anything, she just left the book on the bed and got up, putting her Resistance uniform on. He helped her. Both silent. There was no way to avoid that confrontation: they had to fight Snoke, if not that day then they might not have another chance to face him together. And as long as Snoke was alive there would be no peace in the galaxy, no matter how many rebellions were done or how many resistances were organized.

Ben got Sara's lightsaber from the bedside table and attached it to his belt, then he cuffed her and kissed her lips before putting his mask on.

They walked out of the room and met Jon and the other two Knights who were guarding their door.

"We are on our way to meet Snoke." Ben announced. "You all know what you must do in case everything goes wrong."

"Yes." the three men answered.

"May the Force be with you." Jon murmured.

And the two of them kept on walking, Sara in front of Ben; neither saying a word during the long walk towards Snoke's chambers, there was nothing left to be said. They knew they could be dead in half an hour; they knew about the love they shared and that the future of the galaxy laid in their hands in that moment. As they walked into the elevator that would take them to Snoke's throne room, their eyes briefly met and they silently exchanged what they were feeling: fear of the confrontation and hope that they both survived.

The elevator ascended and a minute later the doors opened, revealing a spacious red room. Sara tried not to laugh at how ridiculous that was; the big bad Snoke had a red room with red guards standing on both sides of his gigantic dark throne. "The guy has an ego." she chuckled. Ben pushed her harder to walk and knelt when they had got close enough to the throne.

"So here you are." said Snoke, in a sibilant, slow voice filled with pleasure. "Well done, my dutiful apprentice, my faith in you is restored." he stared at Sara, a wicked smile in his contorted face. "I finally get to meet my apprentice's plaything." he took a long look at her. "I have to admit I understand the appeal – especially because we all know you're more than what meets the eye." then he used the Force to get her lightsaber from Ben's belt, he analyzed the simple hilt and ignited it. "White crystal." he sounded impressed. "Stories say that the white crystal is attracted to the Jedi who don't like to play by the rules of the Council but are not interested in becoming a Sith either: the Gray Jedi." he paused, still admiring the cold white light of her lightsaber. "Look how beautiful this is: pure, uncorrupted, naturally created white."

"I think it's kinda beige if you look closer." mocked Sara.

Snoke looked at her, turning off her lightsaber and putting it on the arm of his throne.

"Get closer, child." he ordered, rather calmly. But Sara didn't move at his order. "I said, get closer!" he replied, not as calmly as before. And she felt the pull of the Force trying to make her move, but she was able to stop it from controlling her.

"I don't think so." she said with a smile, remaining still.

That angered and surprised Snoke.

"I don't know why I am surprised." he had a nasty smile on his disfigured face. "I shouldn't expect anything less from you. It took me a while but, a few days ago, I realized why your presence seemed familiar. Yes." he spoke at a slow pace. "I remember you; I know who you are, I even know why you were born..."

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