Guess this is Goodbye

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Clark is definitely losing it. There is no way in hell he found a mermaid- well it's a male so a merman- by his boat. He watches as the creature splashes around in the netting, clearly hurting himself as he bangs against the ship.

"Hold on, you have to stop thrashing around, or you're going to hurt yourself."

The half fish stops thrashing, but wriggles his tail a bit, clearly to keep somewhat afloat.

"I'm going to get something to help you get out of the net, but you have to stay calm, okay?"

The merman seems to understand, so Clark slowly pulls out the switchblade from his board shorts, but as soon as the light hits the gleaming metal, the merman starts to hiss and bare some very terrifying fangs. His eyes glow a lambent blue, and the brightness of it is a little disturbing.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I'm just going to cut the net, I swear."
He puts on his most sincere expression, hoping the sea dweller will believe him and relax. The merman still has his fangs elongated but doesn't appear to want to maim Clark, so with a steady and quick dive, he jumps overboard, and surfaces next to the half fish.

"I'm going to bring the knife close to the net, but I won't touch you with it, okay?"

The merman doesn't look pleased with this idea, but at the same time, he's not hissing like a cat anymore either. He takes a somewhat shaky hand and starts cutting the net, taking care to avoid touching the fish tail. When he's spent at least four minutes cutting through the net, the merman does a complex twist, and manages to get out of the encumbering trap. He makes a trilling noise, akin to an angry dolphin, and swims a little distance away. Did Clark do something wrong? He holds up his hand in surrender, and the merman just hisses again. Oh- the knife, Clark realises. He doesn't like the knife. Clark throws the knife back onto the boat with a well aimed throw, and realises that was probably a bad idea. He's defenceless against a potentially hostile merman, who could most definitely drown him and eat him for lunch if those fangs were anything to go by.
Great idea Kent, he chastises himself. The merman is clearly thinking along the same lines, because he starts swimming closer, with a new sense of bravado now that his only available weapon is gone.

Clark vaguely recognises his movements as swimming backwards to get away from the approaching creature, but his back hits the boat, and he has nowhere to go as the creature is up close in a heartbeat.
For the first time, he gets a look at the merman up close. He has slightly wavy, albeit wet, dark hair. His eyes are blue with a ring of light brown on the inside; paired with long feathery lashes that Clark only notices because he is very, very close. At the same time, he realises he doesn't mind it at all; and that notion is what scares him most about the whole encounter.

The merman brings his hand up to touch Clark's face, brushing his one curl out of his eye, and dragging his hand down his cheek. There is barely an inch between them, and the touches are almost reverent, as though he's never seen a human up close before. Chances are he hasn't.
The merman whispers something in a foreign language, and it sounds almost like a prayer, before there's a pair of lips against his own. He doesn't move. At first he focuses on a tingling sensation in his lips that he definitely never felt before, and then he feels guilty because Lois is back home and she said she'd wait on him and- it's over that quickly.
Clark is feeling a strange mix of relief, elation and disappointment. The merman's head snaps up, and it's clear he hears something Clark doesn't.

"There are fishermen coming this way to clear their nets. They won't be pleased that you've cut them."

Clark is mesmerised by his voice, and it's almost as if he feels a tug on his soul as he listens to it. He of course, puts his foot in his mouth the minute he opens it.

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