I want you all for myself

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Bruce wakes up at sun rise by habit. He gets up off his perch and stretches, slipping back into the water to wake up his tail. His attention moves over to Clark, who is sleeping in a somewhat uncomfortable looking position, and has to stifle a laugh. There's drool running down the side of his face, and his hair is a bird's nest, and he's hugging a rock for a pillow, but he still manages to look so angelic and peaceful.

Bruce doesn't like it. So with a flick of his tail, he splashes cold morning water on Clark's sleeping figure, and the sailor wakes up with a jolt.

"What the hell, Bruce?"Clark is rubbing his eyes, and yawning adorably, but there are more important things to focus on damn it.

"I'm going to hunt for food. What do you want?"

Clark is much too sleepy for this, and it is way too bright outside with the morning sun in his face. Didn't sirens know how to use their discretion?

"I'm not picky. Fish of any kind would be appreciated."

Bruce nods, and dives back under the water, disappearing into the current. His charcoal colored scales stand out against the green water, and Clark follows the shadow as far as forty meters out before he loses sight of him.

He tries to make himself useful, but there isn't much he can he can do in the cavern beside play with the skates that swim by or wait for the sea dweller to return with food. It makes for a rather boring twenty minutes.

He looks up at the ceiling laden with stalactites and squints as the rising sun filters through holes in the aged rock.

When Bruce returns his arms are filled with two rainbow trout, driftwood, two shirts and a rash guard.

"Where did you get those from?" He asks, gesturing to the clothes.

"They were the last salvageable things from the wreckage. I hope they will suffice."

"Thank you. Any clothes are better than none I suppose."

Bruce sets the driftwood on the edge of the cavern floor and sets about starting another fire. Clark is watching in fascination and confounded, though not at the fire.

"You don't expect me to eat all of that, do you?" He's looking at one of the fish and feeling very uncomfortable because the poor guy is flopping about and seems to be looking right at him.

Bruce looks up at him with a curious expression.

"You don't like trout? I could get you something else. There is plenty of fish in the sea you know."

Clark can't help it. He tries to hold it in at first, because really? He tries in vain and eventually bursts into hysterical laughter, falling back onto the floor of the cave gasping for air, and the siren is watching him as though he has two heads.

"Are you okay? I don't understand what is so funny."

Clark wipes the tears from his eyes and tries to explain it to Bruce simply.

"It's just too much irony for me to handle. I promise, I'm not making fun of you, I swear. Just let me have this one inside joke."

Bruce just watches him for a moment, but seems to go with it.

"So you will have the trout then?"

"Sure, but I really can't eat all of that. I don't tend to have that big of an appetite. I mean look at this beast- it's literally the size of my thigh, Bruce. I don't think I can even finish one, and I have a serious peeve about wasting food."

He gently picks up the second trout- the one that survived by flopping in the collected water at the edge of the floor- and puts it back in the water.

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