Come hell or high water

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Clark doesn't move for a while.

He just stays there, floating in the water and feeling as though he's coming down from a high. It's as though the further away Bruce goes, the more awareness he gets back. He watches wistfully as the last trace of the siren disappears, before even considering going back to his boat.If he closes his eyes, he can still feel the lingering of a kiss, thrumming with magic of the sea. It's mildly disconcerting. He continues to tread water for a bit, before he hears the engine of a fast approaching boat. He sees a vessel, the S.S. Prince, and watches as it comes to a full turn, before halting next to his much smaller catamaran.

"You there! What's your business with Coast City fishermen?"

Surprisingly, the captain appears to be a woman.

She has long blonde hair, fierce blue eyes, and an expression that doesn't seem to tolerate any crap. The way she carries herself seems to be akin to a Greek goddess while she observes him -wielding a menacingly sharp harpoon gun that is. Clark struggles for a bit, trying to think of a logical excuse that doesn't involve sirens, because he knows Coast City people can be rather unforgiving, and he has no intents of ending up in the nut house. He takes a deep breath and answers.

"I was heading through these waters, going to the port to send a letter, before continuing on my trip back to Metropolis. There was a pelican stuck in your nets- drowning quickly from the looks of it. I had to cut him out I'm afraid. Why didn't you get safety issued nets?"

"A lone sailor wants to give us fishing advice, ladies? That's remarkable."

The other women on the boat laughed at the gesture, some wiping tears from their eyes. What was remarkable about wanting to ensure animal safety? Maybe Clark was still sensitive to the subject after seeing Bruce get trapped in that net. Whether or not he'd admit it, the situation upset him more than he realised.

"We just trawl and throw out whatever doesn't fit. I'll strike you a deal. You don't report us; we don't run you through with a harpoon gun for ruining a prime net. Do we have a deal?"

"I guess we do, miss...?"

"Antiope, now you'd do well to get out of Amazon territory, sailor."

"Yes ma'am."

He quickly gets back to the hull, and gets his engine up and running at his fastest- 45 knots-before sailing in towards Central City. He still has a few days travel till he gets to Metropolis. The longest part of the journey really, would be the stretch near Bludhaven caverns. Those were the longest to navigate through, but he could manage it easily now. He's well past Coast City when he decides to give the engine a rest. The sun is far past set now, and he'd never enjoyed sailing choppy waters in the dark. The sea was never particularly nice in the stretch between Coast City and Central City, but he's passed the worst of it already. He decides to head in for the night, dropping anchor and stalling the engines, before lying down on his somewhat small bed in the cabin. He stares at the ceiling of the cabin for a while, noticing every crack in the beech wood, and the ceiling isn't that interesting, so why is he staring at it? Mostly because he wants to stop thinking about black shining scales, glowing blue eyes, and unusually soft lips; but he can't.

He knows he should be thinking of Lois- who's been waiting for him for almost three years, and sent a barrage of letters-but there's something about Bruce that he can't shake off. The Adonis called it the siren call, but it felt like so much more than that. He could tell, because the call, to him, felt like a hot sensation in his stomach; a rope pulling him closer to Bruce- but this was different. This was a fuzzy, contented feeling- nothing like the withdrawal he felt as Bruce swam away. The only way he could think to describe it was as though the siren call was cocaine, but this was marijuana.

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