I'd swim the ocean blue, Just to get to you

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Clark stares at the gold wedding band on his hand, angling it this way and that way so it catches the afternoon light. It's been twenty years since he and Bruce were married, and he still can't help but smile at the shining ring adorning his ring finger. He walks through the door and out to the back lawn, breathing in the fresh air.

Bruce and Dick had just come back from a grocery run for more snacks, and Damian was sure to be around somewhere. The two other resident humans besides himself-Tim and Jason- were in the kitchen because Clark had sent them to get the supplies to set up the barbeque.

It was the fourth of July, and Clark loved having big celebrations amongst the family, so he even told the boys they could invite a friend each. Dick had said he was inviting his boyfriend Wally, while Jason said Roy would be coming, Tim meekly asked if Conner would be permitted to join, and Damian declared Colin would be arriving as well.

He was fine with all of this, of course, but expectedly Bruce was still a little skeptical. Even after all these years he still had a healthy dose of dislike for the majority of the human race; this was no surprise.

"What if they find out? You can't possibly think the boys are going to keep our lifestyles from their friends, much less a boyfriend forever, Clark." He folds his arms and leans against the back wall, not agreeing with his mate's choice.

"Bruce, letting four more people into the circle wouldn't be catastrophic you know." Clark looks around clumsily for the grill lighter and can't find it.

"Yes, but what if Dick and Wally breakup? What happens if Colin and Damian stop talking?" Bruce takes pity on Clark, summoning a fireball and throwing it onto the doused coals in the midst of their conversation. After several years of seeing the man casually summon fire, it doesn't bother him, not to mention the fact that his youngest and his eldest also had gifts.

"Then we deal with that as it comes. But realistically, I think Wally might be the one." Clark wipes his glasses on the apron to clean them quickly.

"You mean Wally West... the spastic, long legged, track dork whose whole body shakes like a newborn giraffe every time I come around? You think he's Dick's mate?" Clark chuckles gently, tending the grill as he side eyes Bruce.

"You may not have realized this, but the poor guy finds you terrifying."

Bruce rolls his eyes. "He's a kid. So is Dick."

Clark makes a deadpan expression. "He's twenty two, Bruce. That's only a year older than Dick is anyways. They've been together for nearly three years now, too."

"Really? Are you sure, Clark?" To say that Bruce ignores Wally at times is an understatement.

The man in question just facepalms.

Obnoxious laughter breaks out from behind him, and he turns around to see Jason and Tim smiling, bringing in the stuff for the barbeque.

Jason is gesturing wildly as he talks to Tim, "So I had to strip down to my underwear and run across the hallway to distract Roy and Wally while Dick practically jumped out of the water, because he forgot they were coming over-"

"Oh my gosh, when are you guys going to tell them?" interjects Tim. He runs his hands through his hair that's getting a bit shaggy now. Jason gives him a squeamish look as though he's not comfortable discussing it.

"Well, uh-Papa trusts them but you know Dad, he's still a little skeptical of outside humans sometimes... I'm sure he'll come around though. I hope he does, because I don't know how much longer I can keep covering for Dick."

"Yeah, Damian's getting sloppy with hiding too. I had to turn on the emergency lock on the cave last week because Colin's gotten comfortable. He doesn't call before he swings by anymore."

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