We are meant to be

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Clark is much happier over the next few days and Bruce can tell.

The siren even smiles laughs more and occasionally indulges Clark in a few unfair games of water tag, though he feels terribly nostalgic playing a game he from his childhood. He gets lost in his sailor's joyous laughter and outraged squeals as he sneaks up under him from beneath the water, gripping him round the waist. Clark finds it somewhat unnerving that the phrase, "Tag you're it," becomes strangely erotic when Bruce whispers it to him. The sea dweller gets as close as he can to the human, and mutters it in his ears, nosing down the side of his neck and leaving chaste kisses as he goes. Clark lists this down to cultural differences and surmises that sirens must just be a tactile species, not that he has a problem. It's hard to find anything a problem when he's near Bruce. Their relationship becomes so domestic and feels so right that the human completely forgets he has a home to go to. As far as he is concerned, Bruce is his home.

Bruce is his protector, his friend, and now his partner by some cosmic mix up in his favour. Clark is still wrapping his mind around having a siren for a boyfriend, though he doesn't think Bruce would appreciate the term. Maybe he was a lover, or a significant other or something, but Bruce wasn't the typical boyfriend material per say. Boyfriends went on dates and all that stuff, but he and Bruce stayed inside... sort of. Does a cave count as inside? Clark wasn't too sure. He and Bruce were special, that much he was sure of. This wasn't like him and Lois. He felt like he could be himself around the siren, with no pressure to be constantly perfect like some kind of superhero. He could just lie around all day, swim lazily, eat, play with the sea creatures and relax. It was like a vacation away from vacation. He is laying on the cave floor one evening when his stomach lets out an interestingly loud growl.

"You're hungry."

It's not a question. Bruce has taken to spoiling him a bit, and truly he hadn't thought he was hungry until his appetite reared its ugly head, ruining the blissful silence he and Bruce were sharing. The half fish wasn't on of many words, but his silences spoke volumes.Just by his behaviours Clark could tell Bruce wasn't even thinking, he was just relaxed – and serenity did not come easily to either of them as the past few nights of fitful sleep had taught them.

"What do you want to eat?"

Clark ponders for a moments, screwing up his nose a bit.

"Would I sound picky if I asked for squid?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get it. It just means I might take a while. You're hungry aren't you? Perhaps choose something that resides a little closer?"

"I can wait. I'm really tired of fish and a man can only handle so much shrimp at a time."

Bruce sighs but acquiesces with a, "If you're certain. I can get you more water on my way back if you need it."

It's a simple offer, but Clark feels touched none the less.

"I think I have enough coconuts here, Bruce."

Bruce looks balefully at the pile of coconuts he'd stoned down from Oracle isle. He knows it's more than enough (dragging back a twenty pound net of coconuts was not good for hydrodynamics mind you), but he's feeling the primal urge to ensure his mate is well cared for. Clark is an easy one to please, but that only makes Bruce want to try harder- be better - for him. Bruce knows at the end of the day he will never be equal to a human, so he will constantly have to make sure he is good enough for Clark, and the thought leaves lead in his stomach.

"Okay. I'll be back in an hour maybe. Don't do anything stupid."


In hindsight, Clark should have realised this was a stupid idea, but he was bored okay? He only thought to take a swim through the caverns without Bruce because there was nothing else to do. He didn't bother to strip down because he was already in board shorts and a rash guard, but he did put his foot in the water to see how cold it was. Satisfied that the water wasn't too cold, he slid in quietly and made his way down the pathways of eroded rock and stalactites. The water rippled to his left, and a curious little skate nudged him in passing. He made his way past their spot and continued swimming leisurely for a few minutes, taking the time to really stretch his limbs and take in the surrounding scenery. There were some plants where the water was fresh- ferns and others like it- and near them were beautiful yellow flowers growing in the corners of the rock clusters.

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