Painful Beauties, Ocean Eyes

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By the time Bruce is just about ready to have the baby, the house has become more of a home. Yes, Alfred may have kept the place meticulously, but there's no denying the homey feel of slightly chipped mugs, opera music playing at maximum volume, and the endless bowls of potpourri placed around by Bruce.

With time, Richard likes to make his presence known. The siren finds he likes to move a lot, and if you wake up with his foot imprinting on your stomach, you most certainly will fall asleep with some other appendage plastered against the taut skin. The baby responds very well to voices and music,and it warms his heart to see the little one so active from even in the womb. Dick, as Clark chooses to call him, has no sense of timing whatsoever.

The child, Bruce thinks objectively, is too much like his father.

Clark is out on a long errand, and in the last trimester of his pregnancy, Bruce is forced to stay in Siren form to protect his vital organs. He stays in the salt pool for most of the time, but it can only get so interesting after the first few days. His beloved butler and mate had set up a birthing place for him just out of the water, and when he was truly bored, the siren would swim over and inspect all the tools they had set up.

He is taking a leisurely swim when he gets a strange feeling, and notices the water turning a bright, iridescent orange around him. He's shocked for a few moments before it hits him.

His water broke.

His water broke.

His water broke.

So he does what any dignified person does in this situation, when their baby is five days before due date. He screams.


"Master Bruce, you need to breathe!" Alfred's face is rather concerned, and he ignores the fact that Bruce is basically crushing the bones in his hand in favour of guiding him through the birth.

"Don't tell me to breathe, I need my mate! I am pushing a fucking brat out of my cervix, and he kind of had something to do with it! Get him here,now!" Bruce's eyes look like hell fire, and the butler fears for Clark's safety when he returns.

"I'm afraid Master Kent forgot his phone in the kitchen..."

The initial silence is deafening. The butler cringes right before the screaches start

"We bought him the latest fucking phone for him to leave it in the- oh my god when do the contractions stop? I'm going to kill him! " Bruce does not seem to be reacting well to the pain, and he slowly gets more feral by the minute, fangs elongating and eyes glowing eerily. His breathing is laboured, and Alfred prays that Tamara finds Clark on her way to the Manor.


Tamara is driving through Gotham like a mad woman- and when she gets her hands on Clark, she might be sorely tempted to smack him. What kind of mate forgets his phone at home when they are expecting a child? She makes a close park outside of the building where Alfred told her the sailor should be, skidding her coupe into a small spot between a Chevy and a BMW. Her heels clack on the tiles of the nicely furnished business, before she sniffs him out, stomping into some random woman's office, and grabbing him by the ear.

"Sorry- I need to borrow him for an unspecified period of time, Ma'am. Enjoy your day." She smiles maniacally at the lady whose eyes fog over and turn a misty white.

"Ow-Tamara- Ow, you can't just use the- stop pulling me!"

"Get. In. The car." She says this through gritted teeth, barely controlling her eyes from changing to their typical bright purple.

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