I love you, I hate you

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On the sixth day of Bruce's heat, Clark wakes up to his typical morning wood and not so typically, Bruce's mouth. On him.

"Good-ungh- morning, Bruce." The siren doesn't respond- his mouth is otherwise occupied- but he looks up from under his lashes where he has Clark's pants pooled around at his ankles and his own sleeping shirt was thrown aside haphazardly. After day three Bruce had taken to liking his human form more as he learned about the wonders of the male prostate. Not to mention the variety of positions that didn't involve getting in the water.

Clark runs his hands through Bruce's hair, pulling it rewardingly, and Bruce moans around his cock, the vibrations carrying as they went.

"Someone's ready to go already. Is it even nine o'clock yet?" Bruce rolls his eyes and raises eight fingers to signal the hour. Bruce pulls off with an obscene pop, and mutters, "You didn't seem to care about the hour last time."

Clark chuckles and pulls Bruce into his lap for a kiss, and his mate grinds against him in earnest.

"I want you in me. Now ." He pouts, but it's clear he's losing patience.

"Relax, I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes, but I let you sleep for two whole hours after I woke up. I need it ." He's shamelessly uses the call to entrance Clark, but he's not asking for much, is he?

"Tell me what you need then, baby." Clark isn't entirely affected, being his mate, but the call doesn't have more sway over his reasoning than it should. Besides, who is he to deny Bruce anything? The sailor has a gorgeous mate- he's straddling his lap, tan and very naked, with obscenely blue eyes, and a hot flush that follows from his neck and ears right down to his gorgeous cock- and he's not particularly inclined to turn him down.

"I want to ride you." Clark groans.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, dammit, I'm offering to do all the work here. Why are you even questioning me, Clark?" His frustration is adorable, and Clark just smiles fondly.

"I just wanted to make sure."

"Clark, you've practically fucked me into oblivion all week, and made me scream so loud Alfred heard us from Oracle Isle, and you still feel like you need to double check me on what I want?"

"Yes." Bruce smiles devilishly, and leans in to whisper in his mates ear.

"Well then, yes Clark, I want to ride you like a rodeo til I either can't feel my legs anymore or pass out. Happy?" The sailor knows Bruce could be being sarcastic or entirely serious- sometimes it's hard to tell. Clark places a kiss on his nose and responds, "Very," before Bruce is kissing him like a drowning man.

He wastes no time sinking his ass onto Clark's cock, and if there is one thing about siren biology he can appreciate, it's the self lubrication. Clark lets out a strangled choke, because they've been at this five times a day minimum, for the last five days and Bruce is still ridiculously tight . The siren dons the blissed out expression he gets every time they do this, and Clark grips his hips to lift him, but his hands are smacked away.

"I can do this, Clark." Bruce's face is concentrated- nose scrunched up, bitten lips, forehead creased- and he has a very light sheen of sweat over him. When he starts to move is the part the Clark loves. Sirens seem to have no qualms about being vocal, and when there is no one within miles - aside from Alfred who wisely refrains from commenting- his mate likes to get loud .

Clark believes it's the heat, because usually Bruce is quiet and controlling and he seems more likely to lead the sex where he wants it, but now? Clark has free reign for the most part and Bruce just takes it .

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