Would you still love me the same?

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To say Bruce is panicking is an understatement. His face might have been stoic but there were one hundred and thirty million things going through his mind.

What would Clark think? He probably didn't even want to be a father. What if he really thinks Bruce to be a monster? What if his child grows up with only one parent? He can't fathom raising their child alone. The siren loses himself in a fitful state of hysteria, clinging to his rock perch like a limpet, and drearily muttering to himself.

He doesn't even know how the hell to parent a child. What would he name them? Would he even get sleep? Children cried a lot. Would he be able to switch forms? Sex would be a whole lot less interesting in siren form. Could he even have sex anymore? This whole pregnancy thing was beginning to seem a little too scary, and the mere prospect of talking to Clark now put Bruce's heart in his throat. He absentmindedly rubs his hand over his stomach, and he feels a little warmth at the thought of a growing something in him.


"Yes, Master Bruce?" The merman looks over at Bruce from where he is tending to the sea flora on the other side of this particular stretch of the caverns.

"How long will I be pregnant for?"

"Well... siren biology is more advanced than human, but if I recall correctly your mother had you for approximately three months."

"You mean to tell me... I have a little over two months before this child rips out of me like a tidal wave?"

"Approximately. It could be a little more than that depending on the child's development. You do know that you are going to have to talk to Master Kent sometime, correct?"

"Yes. That doesn't mean I want to though." His glare and pout is so childish, Alfred sees all of the little boy he knew so well in those features. Instead of focusing on the nostalgia he simply sighs.

"When you see it fit, you should do so then. I should go see if sir needs anything."

"Please tell him...," he pauses and looks away vulnerably, "- tell him I'd like to speak to him, if he would have me. I'll wait by the catamaran stairs."

Alfred gives him a soft smile reserved for those moments of need. "Between you and I master Bruce, there is not a bloody chance in hell he wouldn't speak to you. He is your mate, your better half, and I assure you, it hurts him more to be away from you than you him."

He swims away, leaving Bruce with a lot of food for thought, but not enough food for eating. He rolls his eyes and starts to hum. Shrimp sounds delicious when you're pregnant.


Alfred checks up on Clark, who he looks even more miserable than ever. "Master Kent, are you quite alright?"

"No. I... I miss him, Alfred. It's been nearly two weeks, and he hasn't checked on me once. How the hell do I tell him I don't want anymore space?"

"Master Bruce has asked to see you if you wish, sir. I believe he has something important to discuss with you."

"Oh god- he's leaving me isn't he?" His face goes white as a sheet and for a second the butler is worried.

"Perish the thought Master Kent, he is doing nothing of the sort. Perhaps you should go speak to him yourself? He said he would await you alongside your vessel." The elder gives Clark a small smile and receives one in return.

"Thanks Alfred."


When Bruce sees Clark, he physically winces. The man looked like he'd gotten no sleep at all, and he hadn't even bothered to shave, something Bruce actually was not too fond of. Okay. perhaps twelve days away from Clark was being petty.

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