Love me like you do

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Bruce valiantly keeps his head high after his conversation with Alfred, and heads back to the cave, ignoring the possible repercussions of being near to Clark. He knows what effect Clark will have on him, but if there is a possibility of him being able to get through this heat without telling his mate, his is willing to try it.

Within the next few hours, he begins to feel the true onset of the effects of his heat. He enters the water to cool himself off rather than burn on his rock perch, but it doesn't help. He feels several degrees too warm, and there's a flush to his skin that is certainly not natural. The pain in his abdomen doesn't subside but there isn't much he can do to fix that.

He's already started to present, and he's actually somewhat fuzzy on how this works. It's clearly stated his anatomy will shift, but no one ever states how and- holy Triton what is that pain?

His gills feel like they are burning and he's throbbing in places that don't normally throb, and when he lowers his hands from holding his stomach- that was not there before. His scales have practically curled in on themselves and disappeared, starting from above his hips- and where there is usually glossy black skin underneath there are soft folds. His breath catches at the sight, but he pauses to ensure Clark is still sleeping.

Bruce looks to the sea and starts praying that his mate doesn't wake up soon before he picks up on a sharp, sweet smell. He turns around looking for the source before realizing the smell is him. He blushes straight up to his ears and foolishly tries to wash it away, but the slightest contact makes him moan pitifully. His fingers, he realises, are sticky- the source of the scent.

He lifts them into the moonlight, and they are covered in a thick glistening fluid that came from him. He's soaking wet, and he has more than a few ideas of how to fix it, but few that don't involve waking up Clark. He swims away from their usual cavern before he deems it necessary to wake up his mate.

Bruce isn't sure that the sailor would react well to these...abrupt changes in his anatomy. The curling movements the siren makes to cut through the water goes straight to his core and as soon as he is far enough away to not be heard or seen, he supports himself on the nearest structure, a smooth enough rock cluster, and tries to relieve himself.

Everything feels too hot, and he uses delicate fingers to explore the soft new flesh. His fingers glide back and forth over his entrance, and the siren allows himself to close his eyes and imagine that it's Clark touching him instead.

He has no idea what he's doing, but when one of his fingers slide into his entrance, something tells him he's doing things right. With the amount of slick he's making, the first digit slides right in, and the siren whimpers at the positively wonderful stretch. He experiments, sliding and curling his finger, and the shivers down his spine are fair rewards. The feeling is unusual but so good, and Bruce can't imagine stopping. His breath is coming faster and he's practically rolling his hips for more friction, but not getting very far with his tail weighing him down. He whines at the lack of a better angle, and tries to desperately take care of it.

He slides another finger in and flutters them, while holding back a moan. The caverns might be long, but they do echo.

He imagines what it would be like if Clark found him like this, needy and whining with two fingers in him, begging for more. He clenches around his own fingers at the thought, imagining his sailor approaching him with dark eyes, skin accented in the moonlight, and kissing him like he never dared to do. Touching him like this, so intimately-pleasuring him like this till he screams- Bruce speeds up his hands, and he starts to cry and shake with how good it is before his stomach tightens and his vision blurs with the strength of his orgasm.

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