3: Stalking Spiderman

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I sit the roof of a building overlooking Midtown School of Science and Technology. Squinting my eyes I try to peek in through the windows but I can't see anything especially from this distance. Out of nowhere the class bell rings and a few moments later Peter rushes out of the double doors, looking around before jumping over a 8 foot fence. I roll my eyes, how does this kid keep a secret identity? He runs through the alleys and I follow close behind him having to jump from roof to roof to keep up. He finally stops seeming perfectly fine while my lungs are exploding. He does the same thing as yesterday and quickly changes into his spiderman suit before swinging away. It seems he's gotten smart enough to not leave his backpack lying around so I'll have to dig up info elsewhere. I look out on the city and spot him talking to a little old woman. I shapeshift into a small hawk with its good vision and fast flying I'll have no problem keeping up this time. Plus I've seen these birds flying around central park so I can blend in with ease. When I look back he's off again swinging from building to building waving to people on the trains. I try lifting off but with the bandage wrapped around my claw it's hard to move. I fall back on the roof and look down to see my bandage has come undone revealing the bruised, burned and bloody wound along with a perfectly intact stone. I curse at the stone, its normal for injuries I get in other forms to still be there when I change but this injury is far from normal. Fixing my bandage with my beak I fly off flapping my wings hard to get above the now, giant buildings. 

I almost fly into a satellite dish then someone's greenhouse but manage to not crash and begin gliding on the breeze. It's quite relaxing the wind rushing by you while you see the whole city bustling below you, unfortunately I don't have time to daydream right now. I follow him all day just watching him stop petty crimes and trip over his own feet, it's quite amusing. He finally makes a stop in the alley behind the library and after changing out of his suit he walks up the steps disappearing inside. He takes his backpack in again which gives me no chance to sabotage the suit which is why I'm following this guy around in the first place. I fly up on the roof and through the skylight I see him talking to the other boy I saw here the other day. He's waving his hands around and gets a loud shh from the librarian. The shorter boy's chubby face lights up with joy as he walks over to where I was sitting the other day. Peter shakes his head no, pulling the boy outside the library and walking quickly down the steps.

"This is a huge deal Ned if I catch this guy it could mean finally getting accepted by everyone in the Avenger's base." Ned sighs kicking a soda can into a alley as they pass.

"But this pickpocketer who ever they are they sound dangerous. Even Mr. Stark warned you to be careful, that he's a master of disguise."

I can't help but laugh at how much they got it wrong, if they still think I'm a man they'll never catch me.

"He's probably right," Peter agrees talking to Ned. "I mean ever since I've taken this mission I always feel like I'm being watched and now I've lost the suit check up program Mr. Stark gave me-"

"Or it was stolen?"

"You- you don't think the pickpocketer took it, do you?"

"Is there another explanation? I mean think about you get this mission then your Aunt acts weird, your USB is stolen and now you think you're being followed. It has to be him!" Peter sighs stopping in front of his apartment doors.

"If he's already found me then there's no telling what he'll do next, we have to catch him." Ned nods in agreement handing Peter a small computer chip.

"This should keep the suit running properly until we can find the checkup."

"Thanks Ned I'll see you tomorrow."

"If anything weird happens, text me!" Ned yells walking away. Peter runs up to his apartment unlocking the door and slipping inside. I fly down perching on a window in his kitchen, looking in I see his Aunt burning something in the oven as Peter tries to wave the smoke away with a dish towel. His Aunt kisses him on the head before sending him into his room. I fly around the side of building landing on his balcony and hiding in the shadows. He locks the door quietly behind him and pulls the suit out of his bag laying it out on the bed. I scoot in closer getting a good look at it. From what I can tell I few good scratches with my talons should do the trick. We both jump when we hear a knock on the door. Peter flies across the room, shoving his suit in his closet before unlocking the door revealing his friend Ned.

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