Biggest fight of 2018

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Tony: Guys, it's 2018

GG: 2017 went by fast

Nat: Not for me, so much happened

Clint: What happened to Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Pepper: What do you mean

Clint: We just skipped over them

Steve: No we didn't, remember we had Thanksgiving dinner at the Avengers Tower

Sam: Then we spent Christmas in Disneyland

Nat: Actually Sam and Steve spent Christmas in Disneyland, the rest of us had it here

Clint: Where was I?

Tony: Idiot

Dave: Tony, that wasn't nice. You have to give Clint 3 compliments now.

Pepper: That's a great idea

Tony: Okay mom

Dave: No, I'm serious.

Tony: Dude, I ain't doing squat

Nat: When have you ever done squats?

GG: I think he means as in, he's not doing anything, not actual squats

Dave: Yes you will do 'squat'. I'll give you 5 minutes and if you don't, then there will be consequences.

Clint: As much as I hate you.. this makes me dislike you more

Rhodes: Oh my, you've literally said you don't like him a thousand times

Dave: Actually it's been maybe five times, so you shouldn't of said 'literally' in that sentence. You're lucky Captain Literally isn't here, but I restored the balance for him.

Nat: What the crap are you talking about.

Clint: See? Annoying!!

Dave: Just a reminder, Tony has 2 minutes to give three compliments.

Tony: I told you that I wasn't going to compliment him

Sam: Man, I wouldn't mess with a guy who can turn into liquid.

Tony: What is he going to do?

Nat: He could drown you while you sleep

Thor: He could POison ?

Clint: He could make you slip and embarrass yourself

GG: Why is Nat's so much darker than Clint's??

Nat: I'm an assassin, my thoughts are naturally darker

Dave: 30 seconds.

Tony: Okay Im Actually scared

Clint: I'm actually waiting

Tony: Okay, Okay, Clint you have great aim with your bow. You aren't as annoying as I thought you'd be and you have a cool suit thing you wear when you fight

Dave: See, that wasn't so hard was it?

Tony: Yes it was

Nat: That was cringe

Pepper: I'm surprised you actually got him to do it

Sam: Those were crap compliments

Tony: How come they get to criticize me and not have to give me three compliments??

GG: To be honest, you're the most selfish person here, so you need the practice more than everyone else

Tony: I am not selfish

Rhodes: sure you're not

Tony: Well at least I'm not crippled

GG: That was uncalled for

Dave: Tony, that was extremely rude.

Rhodes: It's not my fault, okay? I was fighting in your war that you started.

Tony: I wouldn't of had to start the war if Steve would've signed the accords. Plus Bucky killed my parents, that's a pretty good reason.

Steve: Don't blame me for doing what's right

Dave: Can't we all agree that both sides were doing what they thought was right and end it there?

Tony: Dave, you weren't even there so you have no idea the damage that was caused. Steve, breaking the law is not doing what's right

Steve: Oh, and you haven't broken any laws before?

Nat: If this turns into another fight, I'm retiring.

Dave: It won't cause I'm stopping it. The next person to say something negative will get woken up to water in their lungs at two in the morning.


Hello again, sorry it's been a while. 2018 is getting busy. Anyways, sorry to disappoint with this chapter, I hate them arguing just as much as you do but... I promise Dave will make an impact.

Shoutout to Irichiam for commenting a lot and singing You're Welcome with me in the comments.

Have a wonderful 2018


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