Chapter 5

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"You guys want to stay the night tonight? We have a free day tomorrow," Thompson asked and Jacob and Zena looked at each other before nodding. "Okay cool. You guys can take the twin bedroom and Hayden can bunk with Stephan and me in our room," he added. Everyone nodded as the group continued to talk.

The hours went by and Zena went to the bed, closing the door almost fully. She heard the guys talking about guy stuff- cars, video games, sports, and girls- for about another hour or two before the living room lights went out and everyone retreated to their rooms. The sleepy girl heard footsteps and expected Jacob, but saw Hayden. "Didn't mean to wake you, just getting some PJs," he said in a low voice grabbing some basketball shorts.

"You're not going to get a shirt?" she laughed and he smiled at her with a wink.

"Good night beautiful," Hayden said and Zena blushed as he left the room.

"Good night," she whispered back once he was gone. His words caught her off guard. I don't think I'm beautiful, just an average looking, shy girl. There are plenty of more attractive women out there than I am. Little did she know, she'd be hearing that phrase and phrases like it for the duration of the trip. Jacob walked in with a pile of sheets and blankets, piling them on the floor. He stripped his shirt before turning to his queen. She stared at him in shock, taking in his every muscle and divot, as her eyes turned crimson in pure hunger.

"What?" he said breaking her out of her as her eyes quickly changed back.

"Nothing." Jacob reached across her to grab a pillow from the other side of the bed. "I could've handed that to you," she said raising an eyebrow.

"I know," is all he said and he smile drove her wild.

I know I want you. "Right here. Right now."

"What?" Jacob asked laughing, very intrigued.


"Anyway, what were you and Thom talking about?" he asked while lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling.


A few hours pass and Zena started kicking and screaming. "Stop. Let go. Please. You're hurting me." Jacob jumps up and the rest of the guys to rush to her bedside.

"Z...Z? Wake up Z," Jacob said shaking awake his best friend with a worried look. Zena looked around the room, tear-filled eyes, unaware of where she was and flew off the bed bolting out the room to get away from the nightmare before Thompson grabbed her arm pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're safe. Everything is alright," he said as she cried on his bare shoulder. The rest of the boys and Jacob gave her worried looks. "It was just a bad dream. That's all. It was just a dream. You're safe. He can't get you," he continued to reassure her. She finally relaxed enough to walk to the kitchen followed by Thompson who fixed her a cup of tea as she leaned over the counter dropping head in her hands. He set the mug beside her and rubbed her back until she picked up the cup of tea. They stayed silent as she drank her tea. She then gave Thompson a tight hug before returning to bed. Just as she walked in the room, Jacob walked out meeting her at the door, embracing her in a tight hug. "I'm right here. He can't get to you. I'll protect you," he said in her hair before kissing her forehead and sending her off to bed.

"Does she normally have nightmares?" Thompson asked Jacob as he made two cups of coffee.

"She used to but she hasn't had one in years. She only gets them when she knows he's in the area and it scares me that they're back because that means he's here," Jacob admitted while drinking his coffee. "Thom?" he says.

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