Chapter 14

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The next morning Zena woke up to Jacob sitting at the end of her bed staring at her, so instinctively she screamed.

"Calm down babe."

"What the heck are you doing at the end of my bed? Were you staring at me sleeping?" Jacob nodded. "This is a new level of creep." Jacob shrugged as he sat on her bed.

"So are you going to forgive me or do I have to make you?" Zena stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "I guess I'll have to make you then."

"You're not going to touch me." Jacob gave an evil laugh as he slowly crawled on top of his best friend. The look in his eye was one that Zena'd only seen in Mike's eye, and to be quite honest, she was terrified. He won't do that to you. He's not Mike. Jacob continued to slowly crawl up her body with that look in his eye, his grin getting wider by the second. He looked quite scary as his eyes slowly turned crimson, which meant he wanted one thing and one thing only. She quickly put up a force field and hoped it would make him back down but he quickly countered her force field causing it to fall. "Jacob please!" she pleaded but he slowly lowered himself on top of her so that she could feel his breath. "Get off. You're crushing me." Instead of getting off of her or, at least, giving her some breathing room, he went for her neck, and although Zena was a strong person, his roughness hurt badly. This is getting out of hand. "Jacob! Back down! Now!" He swiftly moved from her neck to her lips silencing her. I'm sorry Jacob. Zena quickly shoved him off of her with so much force that he slammed into the wall across the room. Jacob just sat slumped on the wall like a ragdoll with his head hung, eyes closed, barely breathing.

Zena stared at the sight in front of her, no tears, no remorse, no feeling of any sort, she just stared at the man slumped over. "Zena? You ok?" She heard Hayden's voice outside the door and got out of bed letting him in. "Hey, you o..." Hayden stopped in his tracks staring at Jacob's slumped over body and back at his friend. "He isn' he?" Hayden was the most innocent in the group but in him being so innocent, he blew situations out of proportion. Zena shook her head calming him instantly.

"He's fine, love, just fine. What's up with you?" Hayden just stared between Zena and Jacob's body. "Hayden? You ok love?" He just stared between the two.

"So, um, what Jacob said about you're killing spree. That's not true is it?" Great. Zena looked at Hayden then back at Jacob. "It's ok if it is. You're still beautiful to me." That's just like Hayden. No matter what you've done in the past, he doesn't judge and treats you like you haven't done anything at all. That's one of the things I love about him. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. We can watch a movie instead." She nodded smiling following him to the penthouse. "Listen, Zena, you know you can talk..." Zena hugged him and after a few moments, he hugged her back. I'm saying a lot in this hug so listen up. He released her staring at her very confused as the elevator doors open to the penthouse.

"So what do you want to watch?" Hayden continued to stare at her and it was making her a bit nervous. "Hayden." Zena waved her hand in front of her friend's face and he finally shook himself awake.

"Lion King sound good?" Her eyes and smile widened and Hayden laughed. "Good." He looked at her and laughed when she mouthed the words to all the songs, but The Lion King was her favorite movie of all time, so it was to be expected.

"What?" He just shook his head making her laugh. Zena then does something she never thought she'd do: she kissed his cheek. I don't know why I just did that, but he's cute and it just felt right at the moment. He's turning out to be the complete opposite of the Hayden I met on the first day. He's sweet, kindhearted, really funny, and is just fun to be around. He turns to me fully surprised.

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