Chapter 10

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I know he means well, but did I do the right thing forgiving him so quickly? What if this happens again? Also, we're best friends so I'm extremely nervous about this date. I mean we've never done this before so who knows what could happen. At 5:30 Zena showered, taking longer than she usually does washing away all the negatives from the night before. When she finally stepped out of the shower, it was 6:15. Stepping into her room in only a towel, she noticed something strange on top of her luggage. Strange, I didn't hear anyone come into my room while I was in the shower. She walked to her luggage to find a single black rose attached to a note. Maybe Jacob did put it there, I mean who else would be in my room.

"I'm broken, do you hear me?

I'm blinded, cause you are everything I see,

I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying,

That your heart will just turn around..."

Everything about us feels wrong, yet so right

I hope you see in yourself what I see in you

I can show you how much you're worth if you give me the chance.

- xx

Zena stared at the note and smiled wonder who her secret admirer was. She stared at the note for too long when a knock at the door caught her attention. It was now 6:30 and she still had to get dressed and do her hair and makeup. She quickly threw on her grey and white marbled satin knee-length halter dress, her favorite necklace and some clear low-heeled sandals that are detailed with a single string of rhinestones around the ankle. She ran to the bathroom and quickly did her hair in loose curls and applied a light layer makeup before grabbing her silver satin clutch and walking to the living room. Jacob was still in his room with the door closed and Zena found Thompson and Hayden on the couch. When did they get here? I must've been really deep in thought because I didn't even hear them come in, let alone talk.

Hayden turned around and spotted his new friend, eying her up and down. "Well hello there gorgeous," he said causing Zena to blush. "You look amazing." Jacob stepped out of his room in a black slim fit suit and a grey button-up shirt with black dress shoes, his favorite black watch, and a hint of minty cologne. My baby looks adorable matching me. Hayden turned to him and his eyes widen. "You two are too cute," Hayden said with a smile as Jacob grabbed his coat.

"You ready to go?" Zena nodded and the cute two were off to make a memorable night. "You're beautiful," he said making Zena blush as she stared at the ground.

"Thank you." He nodded as they walked to his car. He opened her door like a true gentleman and smiled as she got in while he got in. Jacob began to drive and Zena's curiosity got the best of her. "So where are we going?"

"You'll like it, trust me," was all he says glancing at his best friend smiling before focusing back on the road. The two drove to the other side of the London Eye to a small brick building. It looked like a regular, boring house from the outside and Zena frowned a bit, but Jacob didn't notice. He parked the car and got out before opening his date's door smiling and holding out his hand. "You ready?" Am I ready? Zena nodded taking his hand. Here goes everything. They walked hand in hand into the small building and Zena's jaw hit the floor. The place looked amazing. The open concept plan made the place seem larger than it actually was, and there was a spiral staircase leading to a second floor. On the first floor, there was a bar area with a flat-screen mounted on the wall and a lounge area. On the second floor, there was a café, a second lounge area, and a dance floor manned by a DJ.

"Wow." Jacob looked at his date smiling. He led Zena to the café and the two were seated within seconds. As Zena looked around, she noticed the other guests were dressed as fancy as they were which caused her to sigh with relief and Jacob laughed at her reaction. Just then the waiter walked over and began to speak.

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