Chapter 16

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Another day full of interviews and Jacob and I have the pleasure of tagging along. Man, these guys have to do a lot of interviews. Finally, the boys finished their last interview so the group grabbed something to eat before heading back to the hotel. The meal was fine, but once at the hotel, all hell broke loose. Malichai and Jacob argued the entire walk back to the hotel, but as the seven entered the boys' penthouse, they started screaming at each other.

"You know you don't have to flirt with every hot girl you see. You do have a fiancė, or did you forget about her?" Jacob yelled at Malichai. They always argue about nothing, but somehow my name ended up in this one. How did I even end up in this conversation? Jacob saw Malichai flirting with one of the makeup artists backstage at the interview, I don't get what the big deal is, he talked to a girl, so what.

"Dude what's your problem. I was just being nice. She looked like she was having a rough day," Malichai spit back in annoyance.

"Yeah right, look just because you're famous doesn't give you the right to act like a douche duffle bag player." Don't use my insults. Find your own. "You don't get to make out with one girl then move on to the next!"

"Dude, what are you even talking about. At least I didn't make out with her in front of the girl I'm in love with. Who does that anyway?" Hayden, Thompson, and Zena stood awkwardly behind the couch where Payton and Stephan sat while watching Jacob and Malichai hash it out...again. "You don't have the balls to kiss Zena so you make out with random to fill the void?" Why do they keep bringing me up in this? What did I do? Then Malichai grabbed Zena's arm a bit harshly and forced a kiss on her. Jacob literally ripped him off of her throwing him into the wall. Zena just stood there frozen and somewhat disgusted with herself for letting that happen. Why did he do that? These two idiots are arguing and fighting over a girl who doesn't like either of them at the moment. "She likes me. Deal with it. You're old news, it's time to let someone new step in and take your place." Then she saw blood and knew it was time to break up the ridiculous screaming match. She tried to step between the two but got hit in the face with an elbow splitting her lip open.

"Guys break it up. She's hurt." Payton stepped in on his friend's behalf as Stephan grabbed Jacob and Hayden grabbed Malichai. Zena grabbed ice from the freezer and held to her lip but the blood quickly soaked the napkin. Right. Can I have human blood for once? The blood continued to seep through the napkins and down her arm staining her shirt. Crap. "Who hit her?" Everyone turned to Payton confused. "I said who hit her?" Wow, Payton sounds kind of hot when he gets angry. Everyone looked at Zena and the mess of blood running down her arm staining her shirt.

"Crap Z, you have to be more careful."

"Esqueeze me, but I was trying to break up a pointless fight. Next time don't elbow me in the lip." Jacob glared at Malichai and he glared back. "Now stop the bleeding before I hurt you." All the boys besides Jacob sported shocked faces. Jacob cauterized my busted lip with the touch of a finger and talked his best friend through the process in case she bled again. "Thanks. Now how do I get Half blood out of clothes? I really like this shirt."

"Same way you stop the blood." Zena nodded removing the blood from her outfit. Hayden looked mortified and Payton looked irritated. Stephan and Thompson just shook their heads leaving the room.

"I'll be in here if you need me, love." She thanked Thompson before he shut the door blasting the tv.

"Well, that was fun." Malichai glared at Jacob again and it was really getting annoying. "Ok, can you two not glare at each other for like two seconds? The last time it results in my busted lip."

"Well, now you know not to interfere in big boy stuff." Chai did not just say that to me.

"He didn't mean what he said. He has a temper that will get him in trouble because he doesn't know how to control it." Hayden noticed the red creeping into Zena's eyes and he glared at Malichai. "She isn't human, remember? Do you want a repeat of last time?" Malichai rolled his eyes and walked into his room slamming the door. "Sorry about him. He isn't usually like this."

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