Chapter 22

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Zena's phone rang waking her up from her nap. "Hello?"

"Z, get up. We gotta be at the airport in like fifteen minutes." Great. She hurried to shower and dressed before hearing a knock on the door. "It's open!"

"Zena Janai Alexander, why are you not ready yet?" Jacob, being the overly punctual human he is, stood at the door, coffee in hand and bags at his side.

"Don't I look ready to you?" Jacob smiled.

"You look exhausted." Zena rolled her eyes walking to her room to grab her bags.

"Z! J! You can't leave. I don't want you to." Thompson and the boys came running into the suite with puppy dog eyes.

"Aww Thom, I know. I'm going to miss you so much. Don't you dare forget about me." Thompson pulled his new best friend into a bone-crushing hug. If I die today, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Alright Thom, my girl needs to breathe." Jacob had to have read her mind.

You were mine for the summer

Now we know it's nearly over

Feels like snow in September

But I always will remember

You were my summer love

You always will be my summer love

Hayden sang and Zena smiled. "I'm not leaving you just yet. You're taking us to the airport right?" Hayden nodded and she smiled again.

"Let's pack the car. We have like ten minutes." The boys packed Stephan's truck and the seven piled in and headed to the airport. The traffic wasn't bad because they were able to get to the airport in seven minutes. Thank God I didn't die in this car. Thom should learn to drive.

"We're here!" Thom sang and everyone looked just about sick. "Let's go, people, they have like two minutes." Zena and Jacob checked their bags and ran to the TSA short line. Thank God this line is so short. Since the band was so famous the TSA attending let them through.

Lat call for Flight 340 to Washington, DC at Gate 34B. "That's our flight. We better not miss our flight." The group took off sprinting through the airport to Gate 34B just in time. "We made it."

"Group hug." Everyone huddled together in a hug for a few seconds then Jacob and Zena slowly let go. "I'm going miss you guys. I'll call you when we land." The boys nodded and waved as Jacob and Zena board the plane. I can't believe this summer turned out this way. I never would've imagined being accepted into the superstar lifestyle. Being accepted for being different. Being accepted for being myself. I never expected this experience, but I' so glad it happened.

"Z. Did you really mean what you said? About us not being official?" Zena looked at Jacob as he stared back at her.

"I was upset. I wanted to hurt you because I didn't know how to deal with leaving. But no, I didn't mean it. Truth is, I want to make it official, but every time I close my eyes, you're either getting into trouble, killing someone, or dead. I don't know if that means we shouldn't be together or not, but I'm willing to take the risk. Only if you are." Jacob stared out the window then back at his best friend with a smile. "You alright?" He grabbed Zena, pulling her onto his lap so that she was straddling him.

"You know I love you, right?" Jacob said tracing her sweet spot and Zena nodded. "Always have, always will. I love you Z," he added before softly biting that area of her face.

"Jacob," Zena said almost in a moan with closed eyes. Neither cared about the other passengers on the flight, at that moment, they only saw each other. I always knew you were the one, no matter what I said or did this summer. No matter what happened with any of the boys, or even with Mike, you were always the one for me. It's always been you. The two stared at each other as Jacob read Zena's thoughts before engaging in the most passionate kiss they've ever shared.

And the rest was history!

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