Chapter 20

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Jacob and I leave tomorrow and things are going downhill with me and all the guys. I can't seem to smile anymore when I'm around them. Everything and everyone is annoying me and I don't know why. "Z? You ready?" Thompson called from the living room. She and Jacob were going with the boys to a couple of interviews and hanging out before they had to leave.

"Yeah, I'll be right out." She slipped on her casual black dress with a gold neckline and rose gold high tops, favorite necklace, and snapback that says Awesome Sauce in rose gold letters, which went perfectly with the outfit, before grabbing her purse and stepping into the living room. She received flirtatious stares from everyone, especially Hayden, but ignored them all heading to the kitchen. Hayden quickly noticed and followed.

"You alright love?" She glanced at Hayden while making herself breakfast. Hayden smiled taking a bite of the toast she just prepared. She glanced at him again before finishing preparing her breakfast. "You don't seem like yourself. Where's the girl I fell in love with?" She stared at Hayden emotionless and he smiled eating more of her toast. She just stared at him until he finished her toast and went for her eggs. She stopped his hand from going near the stove and he stared at her with a smile. He tried again and she stopped him again. "I'll only stop when you show a little emotion."

"Touch my eggs and you won't have a hand." Hayden's eyes widened as he slowly backed out of the kitchen. "That's what I thought."

"Alright you two let's go, we're going to be late," Thompson said and the group headed out the door. The ride over was silent so Zena blasted her music. Music calms me down and takes me to my happy place. Solid Rock by Tasha Cobb-Leonard and Jamie Grace started playing and for the first time in three days, Zena smiled and started singing along.

"Z, you alright love?"

"Yeah," was all she said before singing again.

"You sure?"

"I said I'm fine." Everyone just stared at her as she went back to singing.

"Guys leave her alone. She's obviously still upset about us going out a few nights ago." Zena just rolled her eyes as the next song, Tempo by KB, blared through her headphones. The rest of the ride was quiet and awkward, but a few minutes later the group finally reached their destination on the outskirts of town. The boys did their first interview as she and Jacob watched from backstage.

"So what's really going on Z?" Jacob very curiously asked.

"I'm trying to pay attention, Jacob."

"Is it because I didn't come home that night? Or that I was acting as Hayden's toy so he can impress some girl?" Zena struggled to hear what the boys were saying. "Is it because we're leaving tomorrow?"


"Z. Talk to me." he pleaded concerned.

"I'm trying to pay attention." Jacob sighed and walked to the guys' dressing room. Shortly after the interview was over, all the boys rushed to the dressing room, Zena didn't know why but they were happy so it couldn't have been anything bad. She, on the other hand, headed to the truck to get away from everything. Once she noticed everyone heading to the car, she blasted her music and Smile by Tasha Cobbs Leonard came on. She stared off into the distance and didn't notice the rowdiness that entered the truck nor that they were halfway to the next interview.

"You guys hungry? We have some time before the next interview starts?" Payton asked the group and everyone nodded. "You hungry Z?" She shook her head. "When was the last time you had something to eat?"

"She ate this morning remember? She had eggs." Hayden quickly said.

"I'm not hungry." Payton gave her a worried look but nodded. The group stopped by Nando's for a quick bite and everyone ordered their usual. The next thing Zena knew, the boys were halfway through their last interview. Man, I've been zoning out a lot today. After the interview was over, Zena was definitely ready to head back to the hotel but everyone else had a different plan. Although she was drained and tired, she tried her best to look like she was having a good time. After a walk in the park, a game of tag, a game of soccer, and a ride on the Ferris Wheel, the group went back to the hotel, and for that she was grateful. As soon as her butt hit the seat, she fell asleep with her music blasting. Outcast by NF started playing and she started rapping while sleeping before being fully consumed by sleep again.

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