Chapter 12

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What happened last night was scary. I almost lost my best friend over some guy who tried to play with my heart, but today's a new day. Zena heard voices in the living room. I'm guessing the boys are here. I'm glad I didn't scare them away with my...ability. She tried to sit up but the headache she had made it almost impossible. Why did I have to sacrifice so much of my blood? I should've just kissed him, that works just as well. Zena slowly got up and the room started spinning. I'm not going to let this headache ruin my day. She got out of bed and slowly stumbled to the bathroom to shower as she heard footsteps moving about in the living room. Are the boys leaving already? How long have they been here? She showered and washed away everything from the past few days as she felt strength returning to her body, but her headache worsened. I really need to eat something. Zena quickly hopped out the shower and threw on some grey sweats when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in."

"Good morning beautiful." Hayden walked into her room holding a donut and a coffee. There's that nickname again. He looked as if he'd just woken up and to be quite honest, Hayden with bed head was an adorable sight to see.

"Good morning handsome. I'm digging the bed head by the way." Zena smiled causing him to smile back. "How long have you guys been here."

"A couple of hours. Jacob said not to wake you." Her stomach started to rumble and she looked at Hayden embarrassed. Great. "Someone's hungry. Let's get you something to eat."

"Hayden, are you afraid of me?" Hayden stared at his new friend like she grew two heads. "Hayden?"

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Zena nodded with downcast eyes and he lifted her head so their eyes met. "If I was afraid of you, do you think I'd be in here talking to you right now? I think what you can do is beyond cool and I hope that you don't think I'm just staying around because I'm trying to try something. That's not it at all. Zena, you're a cool person and I accept you whether you're fully human, half human, or not human at all. So no, I'm not afraid of you little lady. Now let's get you food." Zena smiled following him into the living room and all eyes landed on her. Jacob's eyes traveled down to her slit wrist which hasn't healed yet and sighed.

"How's your wrist?" Jacob walked over inspecting the damage. "You sliced too deep. You lose more blood if you cut too deep." He touched Zena's wrist and the wound instantly healed and disappeared. "So the boys and I were thinking of going into town before they have to do an interview. You feel up to it or are you still weak?" All ten eyes stared at the only girl in the room waiting on her answer. Jacob looked very concerned as he took in her state and the fact that she was basically clinging onto Hayden for dear life.

"I'll go, but um..." Zena's stomach growled finishing her sentence and everyone laughed. "Food first."

"We'll grab a bite to eat first then head wherever you guys want," Payton laughed as her stomach growled again. "Someone get this girl some food. What would you like little missy?"

"Eh, it doesn't matter" Zena laughed and Hayden smiled that sexy smile of his. "Is pasta good with everyone?" All the boys nodded and the group went to the restaurant down the street. "Wait, where's Chai?" It felt weird without him being there. Everyone stared at Zena very confused.

"We said we were hanging out with you and he didn't want to come. He's still afraid of you, with good reason. I don't think you two should be around each there for a while." Payton was right. The past few times Malichai and Zena were next to each other, it didn't end well.

Just as the group walked into the restaurant, Zena's stomach growled extra loud, and since the place was pretty much empty, the sound echoed throughout the small area. You can't shut up for two seconds, can you? The hostess seated the party of six. Once they had the menus, Zena's eyes immediately found the chicken angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce. "Jacob, can you order for me?" Jacob nodded as she went to the bathroom.

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