Chapter 17

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After several minutes of arguing over what movie to watch, the boys decided to skip the movie and grill Jacob and Zena about their life. "Who's the last person you had sex with?" Well then.

"A gentleman never tells." All the boys awww in disappointment then Stephan asked Zena the same question.

"Of all the questions you could ask, that's what you want to know?" Stephan nodded smiling. "Well, a lady never tells so."

"You can't use Jacob's answer. You have to answer the question."

"Nope." Stephan huffed in annoyance moving on to the next question.

"So what's your favorite "superpower", I guess you would call them, that you have?"

"Mind reading hands down," Zena stated with a huge smile and everyone stared at her very confused. "What?"

"What am I thinking?" Hayden asked.

"I'm not sure you want me to repeat that out loud." He just stared wide-eyed and Zena smiled at him. "But it's definitely a possibility." His jaw dropped causing her to laugh. "Close your mouth before a bug flies in."

"Okay so you can read minds but can you control them?" Payton asks.

"I'm more about the mind control aspect. She hasn't mastered that ability just yet." The boys looked so intrigued and Zena rolled her eyes.

"I can control them, I just choose not to because that's wrong."

"Mind reading is worse than mind control if you ask me."

"Well nobody asked you," she said smiling and Jacob laughed. "So since you guys are so interested in our lives, what can you do besides sing?"

"I can dance, draw, do graffiti art, play the triangle, and I can cook a bit," Malichai said with a smile.

"Chai, Hayden, and I are really great cooks, but I think Hayden is the best. He also plays piano, drums, and guitar, he can dance, he's the best golfer in the band, and his impressions and accents are impeccable." Stephan said rubbing Hayden's back as Hayden blushed. "He's the cute one in the band and loves to cuddle the most."

"Are you introducing him on a dating show? What's going on?" Zena confusedly asked and everyone laughed.

"No, I just wanted to you to know who he really is." Stephan smiled at Hayden and he blushed redder than a tomato. It was pretty adorable. "We protect him like our lives depend on it so if either of you hurt him, you'll be in for a world of pain."

"I would never hurt him unless I find out he hurt my girl. Then he's dead. That goes for all of you. If I find out you hurt her, I will hunt you down and I will torture you so bad that you'd be begging me to kill you." Awww babe. Ugh, I love him. Everyone stared at Jacob in shock except Zena, who stared at him in admiration and he noticed smiling at her. "Anyway what can the rest of you do besides sing?" The rest of the boys told the two their arsenal of talents which included playing multiple instruments, dancing, and playing golf.

"Well, that was fun. Who's hungry?" Hayden asked and everyone just stared at him. "I'll cook?" Everyone nodded and Hayden laughed.

"I never had your cooking so this should be fun." Hayden looked at Zena very confused. "Did I say something wrong?"

"You've had my cooking before. The picnic remember?" Zena stared at him wide-eyed. He made that? "Are you ok?" She nodded remembering the delicious palette of flavors that day. "Well, I if I'm cooking I need to bring stuff down so I'll be back." Hayden, Stephan, and Thompson all went to the penthouse while Payton and Malichai stared at Jacob and Zena. Well, this is awkward.

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