Chapter 18

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"Hayden you alright mate?" Hayden slumped over the toilet throwing up every bad decision made the night before. Malichai and Thompson walked in the bathroom to see the wreck of a man puking up his insides. "Why didn't you take one of us with you last night? You know how you get when you're pissed drunk. I'm glad you made it home in one piece."

"Shut up!" he yelled at Malichai.

"Listen we're just trying to help. Why'd you go out anyway?" Thompson asked.

"Doesn't matter now."

"Guys Hayden's today's top news story." Hayden groaned as he finally stopped throwing up. "Guys get out here." Malichai and Thompson helped Hayden to the living room and he groaned again when he saw the most unflattering picture of him and some girl on tv. "What happened last night?"

"Well, it seems Mr. Nicholson got pissed drunk during an angry night out." Hayden glared at Thompson who rolled his eyes. Just then Jacob and Zena entered the penthouse and all heads turn to them. "Guys now isn't a good time."

"Why is Hayden on the news sloppily making out with some random?" Hayden glared at the two rolling his eyes before running to the toilet to throw up again as Malichai ran after him making sure he's ok.

"He must've been really upset last night because he didn't take any of us with him. He gets really cuddly when he's drunk so we try not to let him have too many so things like this don't happen," Thompson explained and Jacob nodded.

"I feel like this is partly my fault." All eyes fall on Zena.

"He said something in Gaelic when he came back but I'm guessing it was about you two because he kept using your names." Malichai reentered the living room after giving Hayden some Tylenol and putting him to bed.

"Why did you have to be in bed with her? You're the reason he got pissed drunk last night." Jacob just rolled his eyes and started for Hayden's room but Payton stopped him or at least tried to.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Not right now," Payton advises but Jacob ripped out of Payton's grip and made his way to Hayden's room, banging on his door. Stephan shook his head in disappointment. "Jacob please don't do anything you'll regret. We have a concert tomorrow."

"He hurt my girl. I regret nothing." Jacob continued banging on Hayden's door until it was ripped open by a sleepy and angry, yet sexy, bed-headed Irishman.

"Keep banging on my door and I'll bash your face in." Everyone stared wide-eyed at Hayden and Zena silently prayed that Jacob didn't do anything stupid, but he did, because he's Jacob. He started banging on the door again anger the Irishman even further. He kept banging until Hayden had enough and hit Jacob in the face so hard he fell to the floor. "Stop banging on my door. I'm trying to sleep." Hayden slammed the door locking it and got back in the bed.

"This is not good." Jacob examined his lip and it's a bit swollen. His eyes turned red as he looked up at Zena. "Jacob. Don't. Please." Of course, he didn't listen. He easily teleported into Hayden's room and started shouting at him.

"You hurt my girl. I told you what would happen if you hurt my girl."

"You wouldn't touch me. Now get out." The next thing you heard were screams, growls, and a thud. Everyone stared at the door worried of what was going on inside, especially Zena. Jacob, please be ok. The door opened seconds later and Hayden pushed Jacob's motionless body to the ground and slammed the door. The look on Hayden's face was something Zena had never seen before. His eyes were glazed over, the veins in his arms visible, he didn't even look up, he just slammed the door, vomited again, and got back in bed. The boys looked at the unconscious man lying on the floor before looking back at Zena as she stared at Hayden's bedroom door, eyes engulfed in flames in complete rage. One quick glance at her best friend then back at the bedroom door. A few seconds later Zena heard choking and hyperventilating signaling Hayden was struggling to breathe. Get out here now. Hayden struggled to open the door, gasping for air. Once it was open, he just stood there, blue in the face gasping for air. I told you not to piss me off.

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