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The Daegu boy has settled back in Daegu. I could still remember my starting point here. Daegu streets raised me. The rocks became my companion as I journeyed this cruel world. The songs I wrote and the melodies I created. My dreams started here and now, I'm back. Not for a vacation but for good. It wasn't easy to say goodbye and let go the things you wanted to do and the people you wanted to be by yourside forever. But time changes everything. We're all getting old and our personal lives became a hindrance for the forever we are wishing. But the fact that we succeeded makes me happy. We started so little. But our fans didn't gave up on us. They helped us, they encouraged us that there's still a better future waiting for us. They are our fuel and energy. We are always thankful to them. They might not know this, but we are really really really grateful that we have them in our lives. Not all people can be loved by many. Not all people can gain so much recognitions as much as we did.

I did regret a lot of things. I wished I didn't focused so much on material things and work. I could've stayed with the members and sleep late to join the chat. I hope I made them happy for once. I may not show it to them but I love the members very much. I may not show it to them but my silence means a lot. And they're all in my mind and heart. I may look like I didn't cared and don't give a fuck, but the truth is I am happy and glad to have them. All the words I said to them were sincere. They are my inspiration together with our ARMYs. I can write songs because they are there. They are the inspiration of the lyrics I wrote. The joy that I felt from the past is what I am longing for right now. The way we enjoy our freetimes together and the ways we all have fun together. Personally, those times weren't enough for me. I still want to continue living the life we had before. But it's all too late. It's all too late to change our decisions. It's all too late to say that all of it was just a joke. I am afraid. I am sad. Our precious fans that gave us hopes and happiness, lost the ones who made them happy. We are really sorry. This may sound cliche but if I could just turn back time, I'll definitely be doing my very best to make them all happy. I'll definitely make every second memorable for the members and our ARMYs. The most beautiful moment of my life is my youth, the moment of happiness. The moment that we are loved by ARMYs. The moment when there's nothing I can wish for because I already have the members and the fans who gave me so much strength. The moment when I could still write music, make melodies, learn choreographies, practice the whole day, do vlive, and to have concert all around the world. I wish all of it didn't end.

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