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The huskiness of my voice isn't that warm anymore. I could only feel the coldness that the empty space has left me. The singer who I've become, is my dream. But by the painful fact that he cannot perform ever again, is killing him inside out. I keep on worrying about myself. About the members and of course the fans. The warmth of my voice became cold and rusty. Since that day, I never sang again. It feels like every melodies I sing stab my heart everytime. I am miserable. I lost you. I lost the members who are always with me. We're together for a long time. We eat together, we even slept together, practiced together, sing together and perform together. That is when I discovered my talents, thanks to them. They encourage me to do what I want to do and helped me to improve myself. When I'm in trouble and struggling a lot, they're always there for me and comfort me even though it's late in the night. When I started my acting, I definitely struggled in managing my time but the members said it's ok. I believe them and I realized that I am not alone. I never walk alone,  because we're together walking in the same path supporting each other and helping the ones who fall to get back up again.

All the bruises, wounds and body aches we got were nothing as long as we see each other smile. We are each other's medicine. We are each other's support. We are each other's best of friends. And we are a family. I experienced so much pressure, pains and even lost someone special but what they did is let me cry. I cried all my pains away. They gave me time and respected me. I owe them a lot. We fight but that's what made us strong.

We didn't abused the freedom that the company gave us, instead we did our best to be better. We didn't left anyone. We didn't stepped on anyone. We debuted silently like there's no one looking at us, but seeing the small crowd of ARMYs in front of us was a relief. Who would have thought that, the small crowd of ARMYs before became larger and stronger? Who would have thought that many would love us and our music? We got so much hate. The fact that we're from a small comapny in debt,  didn't stopped us from reaching our dreams.

We have everyone around us. Our lives revolved around music and our passion in performing. That was our greatest dream. And who would have thought that we we'll achieve it? No one has thought of it, except for our ARMYs. They made us who we are. They helped us and they never gave up on us. That's why I keep on asking myself, why did we gave them up? When all they did was to support us and be happy for us? Why did we even let them go? Why did we even hurt them? Why did we even let that to happen? I keep on asking that to myself until my head hurts.

My heart is full of pains and regrets. My heart is still longing for the members and ARMYs. Me heart is still beating for music. Those achievements were nothing if we're not together. Those trophies were the outcome of our ARMYs hardworks. Those were for them, we didn't owned those trophies. But I know, those trophies will get us back together. Our history will be remembered, not only because Bangtan has achieved so much things but because Bangtan and ARMYs are the best. I am proud and I can truly say that we are the best.

A Supplementary Story: "You Never Walk Alone" ▶BTS×ARMY◀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora