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I was once a source of happiness. Source of hope, they say. To think that I gave hope and happiness to people makes me more than happy. When they said that we are their savior who saved them from the darkness of this world makes me feel great and positive. But taking it away from them was the most hurtful thing that I did in my entire life. I cried so hard every night, sleepless and stressed. I kept on checking our twitter account and check if what our ARMYs feel after we broke their hearts. I was too afraid to scroll on the timeline. I was so afraid to see them hurting. We were once happy. Sharing things on social media was our thing. But after all these things happened, it's all over.

I was too afraid and that made me selfish. I was too afraid to see them cry in order for me to survive. Cause every truthful words from them causes pain to my heart. I was once selfless. They say, everything happens for a reason. But what's the reason for this? To cause so much pain to us? The happiness of yesterday is the antonym of today.

But guess what? After 30 years, I learned to accept the hurtful fact. I learned to conceal my sadness. I hid it, making myself a fool. A little part of me accepted it but the whole out of it regretted it, forever.

Dancing. That talent helped me to become the person I am right now. I knew nothing but dancing. Later on, music became my companion too. I was influenced by our members. They taught me how to rap cause I really don't know how. Thinking about how happy we are yesterday brightens my day. It's like a sunshine to my very dark world full of sorrows and regrets. But every time I think of our fans, on how much we broke their heart makes me want to cry over again and comfort every each of them like the way we comforted them before. It wasn't easy. The feeling of loneliness, sadness and losing hope. I felt all that. The only possible way that I could escape from those feelings was reminiscing the photographs of the past. I never realized that we grew up so well. From our debut-when we were so young and I could say we were just chicks that time- up until the end of our journey together. That was all 30 years ago and you won't believe on how much we grew right now. I missed ARMYs. I'm pretty sure they're happy to be with their families right now. With their kids and husbands. By that way, they could possibly forget us and resent us. I just want them to know that, the memories we had together were all true and sincere. The hopes and happiness we gave to many ARMYs weren't false. We love them, up until now. They made us who we are yesterday. And that yesterday makes today. I am so grateful to be part of their lives and that's the only thing that I wouldn't forget forever. They are part of me too. The members and ARMYs. The way they shouted our names and sing our songs, the way they shout BTS loudly, makes us proud and made us think that "do we really deserve them?".

Those were the memories I will not get tired of remembering. On how loud our fame yesterday, is how silent it is today. But I can say I am contented. The bird's chirping that I could hear were like us from the beginning, no one's likely to hear you no matter how much you give your everything. But if you just chirp continously and loudly, you're mother bird will finally hear you and give you the worm you deserve.

A Supplementary Story: "You Never Walk Alone" ▶BTS×ARMY◀Where stories live. Discover now