Chapter 1

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The night was young. For some, it was a lonely one. For others, they celebrated it with joy. The night is far cooler compared to the day, especially in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.
Traffic was busy as usual, because people were rushing off; some going home from work, while some just stroll around, or probably begin the night shift. The neon lights were shining brightly on several buildings. The lights on the lamp posts were bright, too, but not as much as the neon, possibly to reduce glare.

One of the many civilians returning home was Aisya. The short, but pretty, young girl was riding her motorcycle, easing through the long train of cars. Having to slalom through the traffic was bad enough; she started getting exhausted. Fortunately, she found a shortcut, which she believed would bring her home quickly.

The motorcycle pulled off into a narrow stretch of road, which led to the equally narrow, and moderately dark, alley. While she rushed off in the dark, she did not notice a large pothole, which she duly hit and thus fell  to the concrete. 

Unharmed she was, for it was only a little scratch on her right elbow. Not keen on wasting time, she stood, attempting to recover her motorcycle. 

Not that she cared she was in a dark alley, where threats lurk out of places one would not normally expect. Two people, clad in identical black trench coats and hats, looked the part of restless civilians, eager to walk home to either catch the late news or football or cook a steamy meal for the family.
The footsteps louder and more resonant, Aisya had a hunch; a sense of discomfort clouded her mind. The bike left behind, she attempted to make a run for it.

Confidence she had a little, but it would be all to no avail. The sight of the strange figures shocked her, that she trembled again. She edged closer towards a brick wall. Fear emanated from her pretty eyes.
"Wh...what do you want?" she asked.
"You," replied one of the men.

The pistol-like machine was pointed at her head. The trigger was pulled, but instead of a bullet, it released some unnamed electrical signal that put her to sleep. She looked a lifeless soul on the grey pavement.
One of the men slid through his pocket and used the phone. "We have captured another one," he muttered to someone.

A response was received in a limited frequency channel. "Good. Bring her to me. I will handle it from here." A maniacal laughter was ever-present in the background of the receiver.

"Affirmative, boss."

The call was halted; Aisya's body was dragged into the shadows.


A light yawn was followed by some stretching exercises involving the arms and legs. 

Those were the ingredients needed to start every single day in a comfortable mood for young Rakid, known simply as 'Kid' by his contemporaries and relatives alive.

A sunny afternoon. As usual, Saturday was a school holiday, and although he did wake up earlier for prayers, he chose to continue sleeping after that. Eventually, he woke up again at around 10.00 a.m.

He could hear the echoes of her mother's voice from nearby.

"Your food is getting cold, dear," said Kid's mother, "so you better get down here now!"

"Okay, mom," Kid replied and obediently walked down the stairs to have brunch.

While enjoying two slices of bread with butter, Kid could not help but pay attention to his father, constant mumbling while flipping the pages of the daily newspaper. It was too distracting, that he paused his meal. 

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