Chapter 17

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Professor Squasher was taken to a prison in Pudu Raya. He was to spend a long time there, but at the same time his brain was calculating measures to break out and, possibly, continue more seedy experiments.

"I will be back, you useless lunatics," he said while staring blankly outside his prison cell.

The brothers Raul and Rolf, as well as a crew of gangsters that worked with them before, regrouped. While some of them were caught, some still survived; the brothers were already making modifications to the sewer system so that their base of operations would be in tip-top condition.

Some thugs were carrying around bricks to fix some broken walls, while some just lazed around. The brothers were strict and forced them to do work anyway.

"Will we get our revenge?" asked Rolf to his brother.

"We will, soon," replied Raul. "The little ones and also the betraying menace known as Darth Gray. They will pay!"

Raul kicked a box and broke it. Rolf stood still and watched as his brother expressed his frustrations on more inanimate objects.

Back in Melvin's home, training was underway. A group of young crime fighters were lined up in the combat room, ready for action. Kid was one of them; the energetic, quick, and sometimes playful, 11-year-old was assigned to a small battle with Jon Smith's body.

"Promise me you will not break it," Jon said from a distance.

"I will," Kid replied. "Do not worry. I will be gentle."

Melvin came up to them. "But not too gentle, or else I will have to reassess your priorities."

Kid understood and the training began. So would, it seemed, more adventures from that day on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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