Chapter 16

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He made it back quite late; almost midnight, to be exact. His parents were furious, thinking he forgot about school for the next day. Little did they know about the adventures, and misadventures, that their second child went through the whole night. They also noticed a scar on the boy's left cheek, which left the father upset.

"So, you have been into a fight," he said while staring wickedly at his son.

"No," Kid replied. "It was Brown's cat. He clawed me..."

Kid made up about how Brown's Persian cat clawed his cheeks when he was carrying it.

The father was unfazed.

"Now go to sleep!" Kid's father furiously closed the door to the boy's room.

Kid was expecting that, anyway. He realized he made a mistake, but he had no choice. He really hated to lie, but he had to do it, to safeguard his secret identity.

But to think of it, how would anyone believe he was a crime fighter anyway? He surely did not look like a mysterious person, nor did he believe he was one. Still, from the time Melvin brought him in, he learned a lot. In some ways, he was grateful to the old man for giving him an opportunity to fight crime, even though he failed some of the tests.

A chapter ended that night. It was time to move on to school for the coming morning.

Kid rushed from home to school, eating and drinking very little before starting his journey. His mother was worried he might get a stomach ache, but in reality, Kid was still nursing some back pain from injuries inflicted the previous night.

Throughout school, Kid was mostly asleep. He also earned the wrath of Mr. Arumugam, who again instructed him to wash his face. He complied without question and returned to class more energized. Still, he felt he wanted to just take a nap the whole day.

Brown was worried to see his friend behaving strangely, but Kid ensured he was all right.

"There is nothing to worry about," Kid said while yawning. "I am just...sleepy."

"What about that scar?" Brown asked. "It looks like some tiger just put his claws on your face."

"A work of art, huh?"

"No. It looks like it hurts."

"It did...but it is okay now...I told your parents your cat did it."

Brown was in disbelief. "What?"

"I had to tell them something...or else I will be in trouble..."

"Where were you exactly last night?"

Kid looked at Brown and replied, "I cannot tell you, unfortunately. But please do not accuse me of anything, because I did not..."

Brown nodded. "Okay. Whatever you say. not blame my cat next time. He is a kind cat and would not hurt anyone."

"I am sorry, Brown," Kid said.

"It is all right," Brown replied while resting his palms on Kid's right shoulder. "I forgive you."

The lessons went on and on. Kid was barely able to concentrate, for he was still feeling exhausted. His injuries did not help, either, but he felt a little better than the day before, which was a good thing.

The school bell rang in the afternoon, signaling the end of the school period. When Kid was pushing his bicycle out, he stumbled on Melvin and Cindy.


"Mr. Melvin. Cindy. Nice to meet you two again..."

"You look pale," Melvin said. "But I guess a short time in my place will make you more comfortable."

Cindy interrupted. "Father..."

"Let it be, Cindy," Melvin stopped his daughter. "Both of you are my students, and so let us get inside the car. We have something to talk about."

"But we just completed the mission," Kid replied.

"Exactly," Melvin said with a rather stoned face.

Without any more questions, the three stepped into the black Perdana and it sped off to the large mansion.

"I am disappointed."

Melvin was shaking his head at the two children in front of him.

"I really am. My orders were not properly followed, and you wasted an average of 15 minutes, perhaps even more. I am not an expert in Mathematics, but still that is a lot of time lost."

Kid kept his head down in embarrassment, so did Cindy.

"I am so sorry, father," she said.

Melvin's frown later turned into a smile. "At least you get the job done. That is the most important thing."

Hearing those encouraging words, Kid's head was lifted. "Hooray!"

"Maybe we did not do so badly after all," Cindy replied.

"It was okay," Melvin continued. "Although, I expect improvements, if you are to build a reputation as professional crime fighters."

"Aye-aye, captain!" Kid exclaimed.

"It will be done," Cindy replied.

"Good," Melvin replied. "Now, let us resume training."

"Training?" Kid and Cindy were still tired and thought that was the only thing they wanted to avoid after such a hectic day.

Melvin was just kidding. "Take some time off, but I will be seeing you tomorrow. Training will resume."

The children nodded; finally they were able to take a nap at their respective homes.

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