Chapter 9

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"It is risky, no doubt about it..."

Melvin was contemplating on sending his young protégé down the sewers again. He did not let his daughter go, but he felt the same way with Kid. However, in Kid's case, it was due to his relative inexperience.

While Kid took a beating two days previously, he had a never-say-die attitude that continuously told him to carry on. Sure the boy was tired, especially after confronting Darth Gray in the morning, but he insisted in returning to the sewers, hopefully for the last time. There were people still trapped in there; what became of them they had little clue, except that they were transformed into creatures with light green faces.

"We are not holding back," Kid said. "One we are in, we are not leaving until everyone is rescued."

"That is my plan," Melvin agreed, "but I do not think you are ready."

Kid groaned. "But I faced them before. I may not be a superman, but I sure know a thing or two, especially what you keep telling me each time I fight the bad guys."

"It is risky, Kid," Melvin folded his arms, whereas deep wrinkles formed on his face. "If you get into trouble, and do not make it out, your family will look for me..."

"I do not care, Mr. Melvin!"

Melvin looked at his young fighter and said nothing.

Kid continued where he left off. "I just want to save the city, the world. After all, is it not my responsibility?"

The slightly confused man retreated to his computer instead of entertaining Kid. The boy was not pleased.

"Go home," replied Melvin to the boy.


"Go home," Melvin continued. "You are not even dressed in your costume, how can you fight crime that way?"

Kid's eyes widened. "Does this mean I can enter the sewers?"

"Just go home!" Melvin screamed.

Kid felt terrified with the scream and left the room straight away. He cast a dejected look on his face. Further away, on the top floor, Mizan looked at the boy.

How I hope he finds happiness, he thought. He is just a boy. A lot he has to learn.

Jon Smith was standing still, with no activity to entertain itself with. The android still had a load of memory, and could remember the events that happened around it recently, but it did not speak too much, except when it was with Kid, the boy whom it felt to have shared a bond with, although not one that it shared with its inventor and owner, who it longed to meet again.

"I am feeling anxious," it said. "My master is coming to get me."

Melvin did not respond to him, but continued with his drone, which looked to be nearly completed. There seemed to be a faulty electronic chip that affected the drone's system, but Melvin performed a quick fix. It was only a matter of time before the drone was powered back on and working as it should.

Jon said, "By the way, thank you, sir, for saving me from impending doom. Who knows what might have been, had I been left in the sewers until today? And that boy Wonderkid saved me, too. Although without the beautiful black costume, he looks just like a regular boy."

"He left it," Melvin replied once he felt satisfied with the progress he made with his faulty drone.

"Perhaps he will pick it up and come back here."

"I doubt that."

"Mr. Melvin..."

"What is it?"

Wonder-Kid! - The Agents of the UnderworldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang