Chapter 15

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They could not believe it.

Their latest innovation, shattered into broken pieces of standing machine that almost resembled a broken kiosk.

The brothers Raul and Rolf woke up, only to find the monsters missing. Thus, their plans to create a super being engulfed in dust; coming out of the burning computer. The fire extinguisher was pointed and shot, but there was nothing they could salvage. The hard drive has been broken, so was everything in the computer.

"They did it," Raul said to his brother. "The little ones beat us."

"Hard to believe," replied Rolf. "We did have them cornered."

"Tough luck. Maybe we need to regroup..."

The professor looked devastated as he glanced at his dented machine. "My work, my biggest work...destroyed. Destroyed!"

The gangsters regrouped, as their rivals retreated elsewhere. The three androids went away with their master, followed closely by Jon, Kid and Cindy.

Raul looked around to check on everyone else. He then noticed a certain member of his group was missing.

"Where is Gray?" he asked.

Rolf nodded his head. "I have no idea."

One of the gangsters raised his hand. "Oh! I saw him walk out...or then again, it might be someone else..."

Raul then kicked a chair to show his disgust. Rolf looked on from behind, gutted. As for the professor, he had other things in his mind.

"I cannot believe we did it," Kid said on his way back to the surface of KL. "We really managed to get it through."

"Save it," Cindy replied. "We still have one more thing to do."

"Which is?"

"Get home."

Then, Kid remembered his deal with friend Brown to study with him. However, it was already close to 11 o'clock at night; he surely needed to be home sooner rather than later. He was determined to make it back, regardless of how his parents would deal with him after that.

The androids were travelling in some plastic box with rollers underneath, which they found inside the lab. Jon's body was placed there, while its head was held by Kid.

"Master," Jon said. "Your help is truly appreciated. One wonders how we might survive the savages."

"Do not mention it," the master replied with a grin. "After all, I am responsible for you. All of you, except for the kids. Hey, who are you kids, eh?"

Kid could not put words together. "We are...err..."

Then, Cindy replied, "We are just law enforcers working to defeat evil."

"Sounds amazing!" the master exclaimed. "Can I get your phone number, just in case anything happens?"

"That we will discuss later," Cindy stated.

The path back through the smelly sewers brought them closer to the unfinished subway line, but they were stopped by the appearance of the professor.

"Eh?" Kid asked. "It is the professor. What is he doing?"

Jon was terrified. "Oh, no!"

Cindy shook her head. "Not again."

The professor sported a smile that stretched all the way, under his thick white moustache. He then giggled, his eyes red with little traces of yellow. His giggles started becoming a laughter that increased in volume.

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