Chapter 10

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The android flashed a screen from its right eye. The screen displayed a map of the vast KL city from an aerial view. However, the android changed the display settings, to get a more detailed view of the alleyway. For Kid, he hardly understood maps, but he was eager to learn more through his new friend.

"The alley is mostly narrow," Jon explained, "but stretches a long way. It is also where beggars, lowlifes, and gangsters dwell, the latter being the most dangerous."

"Of course," Kid said. "Gangsters are always hanging out in the alley, among other places. I saw them fight each other once there."

"The alley is, in some ways, related to the sewers, because, as we saw before, we entered the sewers through there."

Kid nodded, but he then asked, "Why not we enter the sewers from where we left off last time out?"

Jon replied, "Afraid not, Wonderkid."

He zoomed in, to 3D mode, to where the largest pothole was located. There used to be an ancient building near it, but instead the map showed rubbles, and broken platforms. Kid's mouth and eyes were wide open.

"It looks like they took preventive measures," Jon said, "to stop us from getting in again."

"Too bad," Kid groaned. "Now, how on Earth are we going to get there?"

"I found a way," Jon replied.

Kid was relieved.

The android told of a subway lane near the KL Sentral railway station, which was still under construction. The lanes were still closed, and no train was expected until the whole lane was finished. The rail lines that connect KL were, by that time, almost done, but those in neighboring states were yet to go through even the halfway stage.

"The subway is not far from the sewers," Jon said. "I almost reached the subway from the sewers, but was not brave enough, thinking that I was going to get rammed by a train."

Kid giggled.

"It is not funny to get rammed by a train," Jon replied angrily.

"Sorry," Kid said before the two focused on the routes that connected the incomplete subway to the unbearable sewers.

Based on the map, there were at least two routes, but Jon chose to follow the first one, since the second one had not been fully explored, other than it looked narrow and darker. Besides, the android had been there before.

"I will use my experience as much as I can," Jon told its friend, "but I am unreliable when it comes to fighting."

"Why would that be?" Kid asked.

"I am not a fighter droid. I am just a regular droid, made to do everyday chores and help people in a good way."

"What about me?"

"You have great potential, good friend. I can sense it in you, especially in the way you fought the beast."

Kid smiled upon hearing Jon's remarks.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "Not many people told me that, although I do trust myself a lot."

"Enough talk," Jon insisted. "It is time to save our friends."

Suddenly, Kid realized that his costume was not fully cleaned. So, he went upstairs to his room and did just that. He loved the smell of recently washed clothes; something about them made him feel like hugging them. They just felt more comfortable after being cleaned.

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