Chapter 11

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"Oh, it is you."

An unimpressed Kid let his feelings be clear, when she came across Cindy; Melvin's daughter, arguably an integral part of Melvin's academy.

"Sure it is," Cindy replied, "and you are just in my way, so get lost."

"But Mr. Melvin said..."

Cindy gave an angry look. "Get...lost!"

Kid was not moved. "Look, for your own safety, I suggest you get out of here. Who knows what they might do to you if they find you?"

Cindy was having none of it. She folded her arms.

"It is clear to me who needs to leave. After all, who took down that guy?"

She pointed to the thug who could not move because he was pinned to the wall with shurikens.

Shyly, Kid admitted Cindy's help was beneficial, even though he still believed she was disobedient. When Kid brought out that subject again, the cute but fierce Cindy forced an argument, stating that Kid was also not obeying orders.

"Mr. Melvin did not tell you to go, too," she stated. "Look who is talking. You are embarrassing yourself."

Her words did not comfort Kid in any way; he was getting upset. "Well, then, we both broke the rules. Satisfied?"

"Not quite," Cindy shook her head. "I have a point to prove, and I am not leaving until I beat all the criminals in this sewer."

"But you will get hurt! There are many of them and that big..."

"Save it, jerk! Do not cross my path. If you still do, it will be a pleasure for me to do things to you..."

"Like what?"

Cindy took out a shuriken from her pocket and threw it on Kid's path, but Kid ducked just in time to avoid.

"What was that for?" Kid asked in shock and disbelief, as the determined Cindy walked on to complete the mission.

It was at that moment, another yellow-eyed monster popped up. In fact, two of them; they were accompanied by two strange men, whose faces were hidden under fedora hats. The men stood in front of the two monsters in a dark space.

Raul stood still. "It seems we have trespassers..."

"Wait a minute..." Kid realized something.

Those are the kidnappers, he thought.

Raul continued, as the green-eyed figure behind him approached closer. "Some people just do not know when to quit."

"Nobody quits," Cindy said. "But you surely will."

"Cin..." Kid tried to interrupt.

"Shut it, Wonderkid!" she replied angrily.

Without much hesitation, Raul and his brother Rolf ordered the monsters to start attacking. And they did as told.

Cindy was their main target, because she was in front of Kid. He was also targeted, as per the brothers' orders. Again, Kid struggled as one of the monsters started hammering down on him like a falling brick.

"Hey, stop it!" Kid screamed as he tried in vain to stop the monster.

Cindy did not seem to have much problems; she was, for the most part, airborne, defending herself pretty well against the obviously larger monster. While floating on the air, she took out something from her pocket. With the press of a button, that something extended into a metal staff.

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