Chapter 5

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Ever since he was a young boy, Darth Gray was taught the ways of the Dark Side by his master, a Sith leader of high rank. He was an apprentice. In fact, the only apprentice to his master, for he stayed true to the Sith's Rule of Two.

His master taught him everything he needed to know. In time, he began developing his skills, mastering various types of combat techniques and coming into possession of his master's ultimate weapon: the dual light saber. It was only a few years back that he was sent to Planet Earth, to act as a spy, in order to gain information about the planet. Their next action remained to be seen, but the Sith had the power to destruct the Earth's inhabitants in a flash, for they were mortals with difficult to explain powers.

Darth Gray arrived on Earth years ago. He landed somewhere safe, before making his way into the city to meet some 'clients'. Fast forward to his most recent shenanigans, and he looked on top of the world, almost certain to kill a boy who meddled with his day.

Kid gulped. Gray was inches away, for he jumped high and wanted to strike from there. Kid managed to slide off to a safer position, but then Gray aggressively wielded his saber in a variety of motions. Melvin was online, but he instructed his protégé to use all his effort to defend.

"Defensive position, Kid," Melvin was heard saying. "Do not anticipate. Avoid his weapon attacks and move on."

"Okay," Kid replied. "But what should I do to stop him?"

"Find the right time to strike him," Melvin replied firmly. "Use your weapons! You still have your shuriken and stick, do you not?"

Kid realized he brought his weapons in his backpack. Gray struck again, this time his saber hit the ground, forming a small hole. While he pulled his saber off, Kid started throwing the shuriken towards Gray.

However, the Sith apprentice was quick to act. He used his saber to shield himself. In fact, another shuriken was thrown to his path, but he cut it to two using his glowing saber.

Noises could be heard from afar. It looked like the guards were alarmed by the presence of a stranger in the sewers; something Kid does not take very well. He had no time to think about it, for he was busy dealing with Gray, who was becoming increasingly aggressive.

Gray demonstrated more of his power when he shoved Kid to the wall, using his Force push. With a pushing motion using any hand, he could send opponents flying off elsewhere. Luckily, Kid was not flying off and landed on his feet.

This is sooo tough, a reasonably tired Kid thought.

He needed to use the metal staff that Melvin gave to him, and so he took it out of his backpack. Gray stopped for a moment, as if to give his opponent a chance to regain his strength.

With the staff as his weapon, and the saber as Gray's, Kid struck. He tried to beat Gray's head up, but the Sith was quick to dodge. Perhaps Kid was inexperienced; he wanted to beat Gray so bad, and thinking it was his time to attack because he defended long enough. A rather immature way of fighting, but Kid is a boy after all.

The staff was used as it should be, but Kid's inexperience was clear when he fell off while trying to kick his opponent, while using his staff and the surrounding walls as a lever. When Gray got closer to a downed Kid, the boy reached for his staff and held it in front of his chest, trying to save his own life. However, the menacing Sith slashed the staff and divided it into two.

Kid was very shocked, his eyes wide open. Sadly, he could not move fast enough. He was exhausted; injured his elbows and legs during the fall. He was starting to struggle for breath, too, for the sewers started to give out foul smell. To his surprise, Gray did not respond in any way to the smell of dirty flowing sewage water and the rodents' wastes. To add to Kid's misery, guards showed up. About four of them, including the two he saw earlier. It looked as if he was cornered.

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