Chapter 7

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Art by Jorge Corona

The school bell rang in the bright Monday morning, signaling the start of a session. Students were seen walking, some of them even rushing, to their classrooms. Teachers were scattered all over the school area, approaching the class they were assigned to, based on their given schedule. Some janitors started working, but some were seen sitting down to refresh themselves. They deserved a break anyway, since some of them started work even before school session starts.

The young, energetic face that was regular on Kid's face was not present that day. Instead, he showed up with a look that created an impression that, either he did not sleep well, or was having trouble with something.

Brown noticed his friend's unusual attitude and decided to chat.

"Kid, is there anything wrong?" he asked.

Kid turned to face his friend and replied, "No, everything is fine..."

"But it does not look like that. Your face..."

"Oh, all right. I did not sleep well last night. Is that clear?"

Brown remembered that he saw his friend entered a black car two days ago.

"What is with you and that fancy car?" Brown asked.

"Oh, that is..." Kid paused for a moment.

"That is what?" Brown was anxious for an answer.

Kid explained that that was his tuition teacher. Brown nodded, even though he was still surprised by his friend's apparent lack of energy, evident from his pale face. Anyway, they ascended to their class and school life began again.

The old house was built centuries ago, but it had been home to many families over time. Some said it started out as a small kampong-style wooden house, but colonial forces changed the landscape of the whole village, hence changing the houses into Victorian-style ones. It was also said that a rich Malay farmer and his family were the first to settle there in the British colonial period.

In time, further renovations led to changes to its structure, but still, some of the parts from a long time ago still existed in the large house.

Today, the house belongs to the family of Melvinder, son of Praim, of Malaysian Indian descent. He had been staying there for over 20 years with his now deceased wife, his chauffeur and his daughter. He had a son, who was a few years older than his daughter, but never heard of him for a long time.

One thing about Melvin is that he likes to be innovative. Whatever he could improve, he would, regardless of his budget. He likes to make sure everyone gets the best, including himself. That was why he altered his house in some ways, to make way for new technology that he got hold of from various sources.

That is not all, for Melvin was a detective, and still is at heart. He was one of the best at what he does. For that, the police chief praised him. However, he quickly became disillusioned once he got older, and perhaps a bit wiser. Corruption was prevalent in the police force, but he cited physical and mental fatigue among other reasons. Only Mizan knew of that, though. No one else knew what happened to him since he last barged out of the police station in questionable fashion. Some thought that his wife's death affected him in a way that he needed to take time off, while some believe he will be back again in the near future.

Melvin loved his wife so much, but even he could not stop her from death's door. The fact that she was murdered in cold blood did nothing to ease the pain. The elderly husband held a grudge for some time that he vowed to bring the killers to justice. He has moved on from the tragedy, and is now more relaxed than he was before, but he still wants revenge. To this day, he has yet to find them, but he is sure that he will, for he believes God will lead him right to them.

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