Chapter 3

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Two detectives were in the alley, going through detailed investigation as to what they might obtain and deduct from the events of the previous night. Calvin was searching near the mighty potholes, at the same time sweating like crazy from the intense evening heat.

At the same time, Junior, Calvin's trusted detective partner, was surveying the pavements and the walls. However, he observed nothing special. The most he got was the smell coming out of the rubbish litter on a narrow edge of the alley. While investigating, he had to put an effort to save his lungs.

"Got anything so far?" Junior asked Calvin.

"Nothing," Calvin replied in a disappointing tone.

However, as luck would have it, he found what looked like blood stains, while looking down on the grey pavements.

"My, my..." Calvin said as he picked up the stain using his gloves.

"Blood," Junior observed, "but a small amount."

"Blood cannot be counted," Calvin insisted, "but this is the most interesting piece of evidence yet. However, this might belong to the victim herself."

Junior sighed. "People already know that."

"But I believe that she is not far away."

"How can you tell?"

"I can sense danger..."

Suddenly, the two detectives saw a thug, who looked more like a punk rocker, appearing with a soda can which he later threw on the pavement. The thug was shocked to see the two, especially with one of them wearing a police outfit. Without wasting time, he proceeded by attempting to run away.

"Let us after him!" Junior exclaimed as he and Calvin pursued the thug.

The thug was only a few meters in front. Still, the two could not get past, for the thug knew his way around the alley. The thug scattered the rubbish litter on the pavement to create a distraction and delay the detectives. Delayed them it did, and the thug disappeared from sight after a tiring pursuit.

"Oh, man!" Calvin kicked the pavement. "We lost him."

"Too bad," Junior replied, "but it looks like we have all that we need. Let us return to the base..."

"Oh, you are not going anywhere."

An unknown voice from nearby was heard. It got clearer as the source moved closer to the two. The duo could hear footsteps, too. The footsteps were rapid, and when they turned around, they saw three thugs, similarly dressed as the one they chased after. However, these thugs were different in build. One of them, presumably the strongest, had bulging muscles, while the second was chubby but fierce-looking. The third was just skinny but carried with him a baseball bat.

"Looks like you crossed the line, police chumps," the muscular thug said.

"What did you call us?" Junior angrily replied.

"Junior, it is not time to fight with words," Calvin whispered.

"Then, what...?"

Calvin put out his pistol from his pocket and aimed it at the three thugs.

"Nobody move!"

However, the thugs were having none of it. They were more interested in beating up the detectives, for they are their worst enemies. Junior gulped, while Calvin was indecisive in his attempt to shoot. It looked like the brief careers of the young detectives were coming to a miserable end at the hands of the punk thugs.

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