Chapter 2 - January 8, 2017 - Advanced Guardian Training Center

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"Is that really it, I never thought that would be where we'd go" said Serena.

Aether was protected an shielded by a large airborne space station. We knew it protected the entire planet but didn't think it was where we were going to be training.

"The coordinates lead me here. That has to be it" I said. "There... that looks like a place we can land, drop my living quarters right there and land next to it" said Serena. She was pointing in the direction of a hanger in the middle of the station.

I piloted my freighter and did precisely what she said. Doing the task was relatively easy, mainly cause I'd gotten better at flying. After I released her living quarters from my ship, I landed next to it. "Let's get moving" I said.

We exited my ship and looked around. "Im gonna go to my living quarters. Why do I keep calling it that... I mean my bunker. I left something in there that I need" said Serena. I laughed as she walked away.

"Well... I never thought I'd see you again" said someone behind. It was a blond haired male, he looked like a cadet. "Don't tell me you forget who I am" he said. All of a sudden I had a light bulb moment, "Justin... Justin is that you." He smiled and punched me in the shoulder. "In the flesh" he said.

"It's been so long, I never thought I'd see an old friend here" I said. "I assume Ross called you here" he asked. "Yeah she did" I said.

I looked behind him, Doctor Ross was approaching. "Welcome Jacen, is Serena with you" she asked. I pointed towards her bunker. "We had arranged to help her out with moving that but it appears you took care of that already. Thank you Jacen" she said. "No problem" I said.

Someone tapped my shoulder, it was Serena. "Hi Doctor" said Serena. "Hello Serena" she said. Serena looked at Justin confused. "Who's this, I heard you talking to him when I left" asked Serena. "This is one of my best friends, Justin" I said. She looked at Justin an shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Serena" said Justin. "After your disappearance on Earth, I thought you were gone" I said. "Well the Doctor called, I'm glad you're here. We can catch up on lost times" said Justin.

"Come on cadets, we gotta get moving" said Doctor Ross. "Go to room 34, that is where all the other cadets will be" she said. We obeyed the Doctor and walked to the room. We were all happy and proud. We have been selected for a true responsibility that will change our future forever.

XDIE Legends : Earth's Guardians Vol.2 Advanced WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now