Chapter 8 - March 19, 2017 - Secret Russian Facility

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"Alright, everyone get ready" ordered Justin. We were in a Hammered Corvette along with Serena and several other Guardians, preparing to halo jump down to the Russian facility that was housing the Organic Teleporter.

"General, you're clear" said Justin. I looked at my fellow Guardians as I strapped on my jet pack. "Alright, you all know the plan; infiltrate and destroy the Russian facility housing the Organic Teleporter. Vladimir has already given us full permission to execute this mission so everyone, hit the facility hard. If Thrawn is spotted, capture him at all cost but use extreme caution, he is very powerful."

They all nodded there heads, letting me know they understood the plan. "Get ready Guardians" yelled the pilot of the Hammerhead Corvette.

The cargo hatch began to open, waiting for the pilot's signal to jump. "Incoming" yelled the pilot, the ship was suddenly shaken from a hit from the outside. The corvette was knocked off course by an enemy missile. The left side of the ship was in flames.

"Go, get out now" yelled the pilot. Justin, Serena, and the other Guardians jumped out of the Corvette immediately after the pilot's demands. I jumped out shortly after, looking at our ship as it drifted away. It exploded in a huge fireball.

I looked back down an refocused on the mission. "We've got a clean shot to the facility, thanks to our heroic Hammerhead crews" said Justin over the com's. "Agreed, let's finish this fight" I yelled.

"Deploy jet packs" yelled Serena as we approached the approached the facility. We hovered over the ground and landed with an epic entrance right in front of a few death troopers. I pulled out my lightsaber, along with Serena and Justin, an we killed them with little problem.

"Everyone, move in on the facility" I ordered as I raised my blade. The battle was fierce, but this time, we were prepared. I put my lightsaber away and pulled out my Plasma Peacekeeper Mark 1. I fired it at all of Thrawn's forces that stood in my way. "Tanks" yelled Justin, he was pointing at 2 of them that were guarding the door. "Everyone take cover" I ordered. 1 of them fired and just barely missed me.

I activated my long range com's, "Colonel Spencer, we have 2 heavy tanks guarding the facility. We need a bombing run now."

The tanks continued to rain fire on us. "Copy that General, we have 3 Hammerhead Corvettes ready to assist. Stand by" said Colonel Spencer. I looked up at the sky, the Hammerhead Corvettes ordered to help took no time to get here. As they approached, they began to fire upon the tanks, causing both of them to explode. "All clear" I yelled. We ran towards the facility's doors.

"General, I got bad news" said Colonel Steele over the com's. "Fill me in Colonel, what's going on" I asked. "Colonel Taylor just ran a deep scan of the facility. We're detecting nukes under there" said Colonel Steele. "I know Taylor, when he runs scans like these, he's never wrong" said Justin. He was right, Colonel Taylor was an expert on deep scannings, so if he found nukes, they have to be dealt with.

"We copy, will deal with the nukes as soon as we can. Right now, we got a teleporter to destroy" I said.

We entered the facility and were immediately stopped by a squad of death troopers. I pulled out my Peacekeeper and gunned them down. "Quickly, get to the teleporter" I ordered. We all ran down several sets of stairs, the teleporter appeared to be located at the very bottom of the facility. Death troopers continued to ambush us but we pushed through.

We came to a stop when the enemy presence began to dwindle. We saw a door that was open, we took a peak and saw several death troopers guarding a large alien device... the Organic Teleporter.

"Grand Admiral, the super soldiers are in the facility. However, the final teleportation to Area 7 was a success" said one of the death troopers to Thrawn. The trooper appeared to be communicating to Thrawn with a device similar to our Holopods we used to get to Aether. "Excellent, pull out immediately before the super soldiers discover..."

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