Chapter 7 - March 18, 2017 - Russia

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"We lost at least 30% of the Guardian fleet. At least a third of the rest of our fleet is critically damaged and have been sent back to Aether for repairs" said Colonel Steele.

We were in the middle of a debriefing over our battle in Moscow. I wasn't to happy about the report. We lost a good amount of Guardians during our fight.

"What happened" I asked. "Our initial scan before the fight showed a military presence but failed to reveal the anti-air turret systems surrounding the city" said Colonel Davis. "Some how the transmissions were jammed... or manipulated... but I don't know how exactly" said Colonel Davis.

"I know who is behind this..." I said. Everyone looked at me, all of Guardian Command was eager to hear. "You all won't believe this... the individual who is in control is none other than Grand Admiral Thrawn, the ultimate strategizing war monger from the Star Wars novels" I said.

They were all confused, except for Serena, seeing how she was with me when we first dealt with him.

"Uhhh... explain sir" asked Colonel Spencer. "The Organic Teleporter, he came through it. He's one of the unknown contacts that was detected. I don't know how he came into this world but he is a serious threat. On top of his superior intelligence, he wields an incredible power, the force" I said. I could hear the gasp coming from a few individuals.

"We do have some good news... According to my uncle, Vladimir, the Organic Teleporter was severely damaged when he came through. Meaning only minimal contacts can come through the teleporter, such as the death troopers Thrawn is currently using. However, it is very close to being repaired. If he succeeds in fixing the teleporter, he will have the capability to pull in massive objects into our world" said Serena.

"Such as a Star Destroyer..." said Justin. "If we don't move now, all of Earth will be in danger. We have to destroy that teleporter" I said. "Yes, you must..." said someone behind me. We all turned around, it was Doctor Ross.

"That teleporter is a beautiful piece of art, but under the hands of this new foe, it is a grave danger" said the Doctor. "We lost a lot of people today... because our enemy saw us as weak, foolish, and pathetic... but I see strength and the perfect people to protect this planet. Instead of grieving, you focus on completing the mission and that is what makes you all the best in command. Don't just fight to save Earth, fight to avenge your fallen... fight for Colonel Woods. I never doubted your skills and right now is a perfect example. Now go quickly, and stop Thrawn before it's to late" she said.

I turned to my colleagues of Guardian Command and let out a small smile, "Guardians, get your selves ready. We're gonna take out that teleporter" I said. "Yes sir General. What's the plan" asked Justin.

I pulled up the holomap on the computer console we were all standing around and gazed upon the secret Russian facility that housed the Organic Teleporter. "I think I know exactly what to do" I said in determination. Thrawn will never know what hits him, and this time will be prepared.

XDIE Legends : Earth's Guardians Vol.2 Advanced WarfareΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα